Madras High Court Seeks DGP's Response On Plea To Allow Public At Parks And Beaches Till Late Hours To Quench Summer Heat

Upasana Sajeev

29 May 2024 5:15 AM GMT

  • Madras High Court Seeks DGPs Response On Plea To Allow Public At Parks And Beaches Till Late Hours To Quench Summer Heat

    The Madras High Court has asked the Director General of Police and the Commissioner of Police, Greater Chennai City to respond to a plea for allowing public at parks and beaches till late hours to quench the summer heat. Justice GR Swaminathan and Justice PB Balaji directed the respondents to file a counter and adjourned the case to June 06. RK Jaleel, a resident of Chennai and...

    The Madras High Court has asked the Director General of Police and the Commissioner of Police, Greater Chennai City to respond to a plea for allowing public at parks and beaches till late hours to quench the summer heat.

    Justice GR Swaminathan and Justice PB Balaji directed the respondents to file a counter and adjourned the case to June 06.

    RK Jaleel, a resident of Chennai and a Social Activist has filed the plea, averring that Chennai City was unbearably hot and the day temperature was expected to cross 40 degrees Celsius in the coming months due to the weakening of El Nino, which brings warmer than average sea surface.

    He added that due to the temperature rise, most people were confined to their rooms/places, which, along with the summer heat, affected their mental health. he added that to get rid of these ailments, beaches, and parks were the only option for the poor and downtrodden as they cannot afford air conditioning.

    Jaleel submitted that on May 10th 2024, when he went to Tiruvanmiyur beach along with his family, a police officer asked them to leave the vicinity as it was 9:30 pm in the night. He added that the police officer was harsh in behavior and used filthy language when people were reluctant and adamant to move out.

    While Jaleel appreciated the efforts taken by the State to quench the summer heat including building temporary shelters, providing oral rehydration solution etc, he added that the State was also obligated to ensure basic facilities which were intended to be made available for the poor and needy for protecting the right to life guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution.

    He thus prayed the court to direct the authorities to consider his representation in this regard and allow the general public at Chennai City beaches and parks till late hours to quench the summer heat without any restriction and not chase them out using abusive language and take a humane approach.

    Case Title: RK Jaleel v Director General of Police and Another

    Case No: WP 13723 of 2024

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