Construction Of Memorial For Film Actor Cannot Be Subject Matter Of PIL: Karnataka High Court

Mustafa Plumber

4 Jun 2024 7:58 AM GMT

  • Construction Of Memorial For Film Actor Cannot Be Subject Matter Of PIL: Karnataka High Court

    The Karnataka High Court on Tuesday dismissed a public interest litigation seeking directions to the state government to grant 10 guntas of land for construction of a memorial for late Kannada film actor Dr Vishnuvardhan, on the land where he has been cremated in 2009.A division bench of Chief Justice N V Anjaria and Justice K V Aravind said,“Construction of memorial of a film star...

    The Karnataka High Court on Tuesday dismissed a public interest litigation seeking directions to the state government to grant 10 guntas of land for construction of a memorial for late Kannada film actor Dr Vishnuvardhan, on the land where he has been cremated in 2009.

    A division bench of Chief Justice N V Anjaria and Justice K V Aravind said,

    Construction of memorial of a film star cannot become subject matter of public interest litigation. It is difficult to visualise as to what public interest will be achieved by the petitioner insisting for grant of land for the said purpose.

    The petitioners had sought a direction to the authorities to consider their representation and grant of land. It was argued that Late Dr Vishnuvardhan was an iconic film star of Kannada film industry and he has left behind crores of fans who used to praise his acting skills thus land is required to be granted for construction of a memorial in the name of said film star.

    On going through the record the bench noted that earlier a writ petition was filed opposing erection of a monument on the very land where the film star was creamted. In those proceedings, the authorities filed a memo stating that the monument will be shifted from Bengaluru to Mysore and a sum of Rs 8 crore was already expended.

    Following which the court said, “The Subject matter brought before the court is said to be hardly fit to be considered under the Public interest jurisdiction. It is entirely in the domain of the authorities to consider such measures and requests. The high court exercising public law jurisdiction cannot have any say.

    Accordingly, the plea was summarily dismissed.

    Appearance: Advocate Arun K S for Petitioners.

    Citation No: 2024 LiveLaw (Kar) 246

    Case Title: V.S.S VISHNU SENA SANGHATANE & Others AND State of Karnataka & Others

    Case No: WP 29408/2023

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