Centre Appoints Judicial Officer VK Vyas As A Judge Of Gujarat High Court


18 Oct 2023 9:34 AM GMT

  • Centre Appoints Judicial Officer VK Vyas As A Judge Of Gujarat High Court

    The Central Government today notified the appointment of Gujarat Judicial Officer Vimal Kanaiyalal Vyas as a Judge of the Gujarat High Court.His name was recommended by the Supreme Court Collegium earlier this month. On 7 February 2023, the Chief Justice of the High Court in consultation with his two senior-most colleagues made the above recommendation.To ascertain his suitability for...

    The Central Government today notified the appointment of Gujarat Judicial Officer Vimal Kanaiyalal Vyas as a Judge of the Gujarat High Court.

    His name was recommended by the Supreme Court Collegium earlier this month. On 7 February 2023, the Chief Justice of the High Court in consultation with his two senior-most colleagues made the above recommendation.

    To ascertain his suitability for elevation to the High Court, the Collegium consulted SC Judges conversant with the affairs of the High Court and also scrutinized and evaluated the material placed on record.

    The Collegium further considered the views of the consultee-judges on the suitability of the candidate, the report of the Judgment Assessment Committee and the assessment made by the Government of India in the file and had found him fit for the recommendation.

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