Delhi High Court Rules In Favour Of Journalist Rajat Sharma, Restrains Use Of 'Baap Ki Adalat'

Nupur Thapliyal

10 Jun 2024 11:58 AM GMT

  • Delhi High Court Rules In Favour Of Journalist Rajat Sharma, Restrains Use Of Baap Ki Adalat

    Ruling in favour of senior journalist Rajat Sharma, the Delhi High Court recently restrained an individual from using India TV logo and “Baap Ki Adalat” trademark in the content posted by him on social media.Justice Anish Dayal also restrained the man, Ravindra Kumar Choudhary, from using the photograph, video and name of Sharma, either as a trademark or logo in the social media posts,...

    Ruling in favour of senior journalist Rajat Sharma, the Delhi High Court recently restrained an individual from using India TV logo and “Baap Ki Adalat” trademark in the content posted by him on social media.

    Justice Anish Dayal also restrained the man, Ravindra Kumar Choudhary, from using the photograph, video and name of Sharma, either as a trademark or logo in the social media posts, audio video content or any services which may result in violation of the journalist's personality rights.

    The court directed three social media platforms to remove Choudhary's content, including posts and links containing India TV logo and Baap ki Adalat trademark.

    Justice Dayal passed the ad-interim ex parte injunction in favour of Sharma in a suit filed by him and his company Independent News Service Private Limited which owns India TV news channel.

    Sharma alleged that Choudhary, a self proclaimed political satirist, was creating and publishing videos on social media using India TV logo and Baap ki Adaalat mark which was deceptively similar to his channel's logo and one of the popular shows “Aap ki Adaalat.”

    “…this court is satisfied that the plaintiff has made out a prima facie for the grant of an ex parte ad interim injunction till the next date of hearing. Balance of convenience lies in favour of plaintiff, and they are likely to suffer irreparable harm in case the injunction, as prayed for, is not granted,” the court said.

    The matter will now be heard on October 18.


    Citation: 2024 LiveLaw (Del) 708

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