Allahabad High Court Expresses Reservation On "En-Masse" Dismissal Of Cases By Revenue Officials To Clear Pendency


18 Jan 2024 5:17 AM

  • Allahabad High Court Expresses Reservation On En-Masse Dismissal Of Cases By Revenue Officials To Clear Pendency

    Last week, the Allahabad High Court sought response from the Revenue Secretary, Government of Uttar Pradesh, on the en-mass disposal of cases for want of prosecution by the revenue officials.The bench comprising Acting Chief Justice Manoj Kumar Gupta and Justice Kshitij Shailendra observed,“Although we appreciate the effort of the State Government taken for reduction of arrears, but we do...

    Last week, the Allahabad High Court sought response from the Revenue Secretary, Government of Uttar Pradesh, on the en-mass disposal of cases for want of prosecution by the revenue officials.

    The bench comprising Acting Chief Justice Manoj Kumar Gupta and Justice Kshitij Shailendra observed,

    Although we appreciate the effort of the State Government taken for reduction of arrears, but we do not approve of the manner in which the said objective is being attained.”

    The State of UP issued a notification on 5th October 2023 directing all revenue authorities to dispose of the pending case in timely and expeditious manner. The petitioner, Tehsil Sikandrapur Bar Association, contended that the intention of the Government was expeditious disposal in accordance with law. It was argued that more than 1000 cases were dismissed in default and no new cases were being registered so that pendency maybe curbed.

    It was further argued that such disposal was leading to multiplicity of proceedings as restoration applications are being filed in the cases dismissed in default.

    Accordingly, the Court directed the Revenue Secretary, Government of Uttar Pradesh to examine the issue and inform the Court of remedial measures to avoid en-mass dismissal of cases in this manner.

    The case is directed to be listed on 29th January, 2024.

    Case Title: Tehsil Sikandarpur Bar Association v. State Of U.P. And 4 Others [PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION (PIL) No. - 2681 of 2023]

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