Legal Expatiate: 4 Days Online National Workshop On Facets Of Intellectual Property Laws In India [Register by 19.7.2021]


17 July 2021 9:20 AM

  • Legal Expatiate: 4 Days Online National Workshop On Facets Of Intellectual Property Laws In India [Register by 19.7.2021]

    About Legal Expatiate: Legal Expatiate is an initiative in lockdown to bring together the best talent of this country and to infuse them with a nation-first attitude. An active forum of researchers, professionals, and students where they arrange webinars of Senior Advocates, High Court Judges and other luminaries, where they arrange various competitions like Research Article...

    About Legal Expatiate:

    Legal Expatiate is an initiative in lockdown to bring together the best talent of this country and to infuse them with a nation-first attitude. An active forum of researchers, professionals, and students where they arrange webinars of Senior Advocates, High Court Judges and other luminaries, where they arrange various competitions like Research Article Writing Competition, Moot Court Competitions, Essay Competition, Quiz Competition, Certificate Courses etc in order to groom research and advocacy skills of law learners.

    About the Course:

    We bring to you again the well experienced, named and renowned personality in the field of Intellectual Property Laws from Different reputed National Law Universities at your doorstep through online sessions from 21.7.2021 to 24.7.2021.

    For the complete and proper understanding of Research we have tried to cover the major aspects of it in four days by the best experienced guest speaker

    DAY – 1

    Topic – PATENT LAW

    1. Law of patent in India and Pandemic COVID-19

    2. Interface between IPR and Human Rights with reference to Compulsory License in Patents

    Speaker – Jagdish Khobargde

    (Asst. Professor, MMNLU, Nagpur )

    DAY - 2


    1. Registered and Unregistered & Process for Registration

    2. Refusal, Examination and Opposition, Post Advertisement Procedure & Well-Known Trademarks

    3. Infringement

    4. changing dimension

    Speaker – Prof. Sreenivasulu NS

    (Professor of Law, NUJS, Kolkatta)

    DAY – 3


    1. Procedure for obtaining Patent, Trademark, Copyright in India

    2. Litigation Trends

    3. Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights.

    4. Civil and Criminal Remedies for Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights.

    5. Arbitration and mediation in ipr issues

    Speaker – Prof Ganesh Hingmire

    (Renowned Intellectual Property Enthusiastic and Chairman, GCMC, 2 times National IP Award Winner by Government of India )

    Day 4


    1. 'Is Copyright a Human Right?'

    2. Copyright- Registration Process in India

    3. Assignment and Licensing

    4. Infringement and fair use

    5. Changing trends in Copyright law in India

    Speaker – Dr. Dayanand Murthy

    (Associate Professor, DSNLU, Vishakhapattanam )

    Perks of Attending the course

    1. E certificate of completion
    2. Improvise your skills of Research
    3. Study Material will be provided
    4. Pocket Friendly course
    5. Easy access on zoom
    6. Experienced guidance at your door step

    Who can Attend?

    1. Students (UG and PG)
    2. Professionals
    3. Academicians
    4. Research Scholars
    5. Industry Professionals

    Registrations Fees:

    Rs 300/- only

    Last Date of Registration:

    19.7.2021 till 12 noon

    Platform for Sessions


    Date of Course:

    21.7.2021 to 24.7.2021

    Registration Procedure:

    Steps of Registration

    1. Pay 300/- via google pay/phone pay/ paytym to 9225349821
    2. Send the screenshot of payment to 8999422426 (to confirm the registration it is mandatory)
    3. Fill the form available at

    Contact Details for any Queries


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