Haryana State Legal Services Authority Holds Lok Adalat


12 April 2021 4:21 AM

  • Haryana State Legal Services Authority Holds Lok Adalat

    On 10th April, 2021, Haryana State Legal Services Authority organized its first National Lok Adalat of the year-2021 under the guidance of Mr. Justice Rajan Gupta, Judge, Punjab & Haryana High Court and Executive Chairman, Haryana State Legal Services Authority across the State of Haryana. The National Lok Adalat was organized in 22 District and 33 sub-divisions of Haryana and...

    On 10th April, 2021, Haryana State Legal Services Authority organized its first National Lok Adalat of the year-2021 under the guidance of Mr. Justice Rajan Gupta, Judge, Punjab & Haryana High Court and Executive Chairman, Haryana State Legal Services Authority across the State of Haryana.   The National Lok Adalat was organized in 22 District and 33 sub-divisions of Haryana and cases were settled pertaining to "Civil, Criminal, Matrimonial, Bank Recovery, etc". The purpose of holding National Lok Adalat is to facilitate a platform to the litigants to settle their disputes amicably.

    In view of surge in COVID cases, Haryana State Legal Services Authority directed to conduct Lok Adalats physically or virtually across the State as per local requirements. Necessary directions were also issued to follow health protocols strictly such as wearing of masks, sanitization of hands, social distancing etc. for prevention against COVID-19.

    To strictly follow the aforesaid health protocols, help desks were also set up in courts. All the litigants/parties who came up for their cases were asked to wear face masks and sanitize their hands before entering in courts. Face masks were also distributed to the litigants. They were advised to maintain social distancing inside the courts. All preventive measures were taken where Lok Adalats were held physically.

    Last year, due to COVID pandemic, Haryana State Legal Services Authority organized its 1st E-Lok Adalat on 18th September, 2020 through video conferencing across the State of Haryana with an aim to resolve the cases/disputes of parties through one of the effective mechanism of alternate disputes. After a successful conduct of E-Lok Adalat, the HALSA moved its step towards Daily E-Lok Adalat in Haryana which aim to help the litigants for amicable settlement of disputes.

    Lok Adalat is an effective alternative dispute resolution method for ensuring quick and final consensual disposal of cases binding on the parties without incurring any extra cost or fees. During Lok Adalats, pre-litigative and court pending cases of all nature are taken up by different lok adalat benches presided by Judicial Officers and members. Lok Adalats have proved to be very successful particularity with regard to MACT cases.

      Today, in National Lok Adalat, 13,082 cases were taken up and 7,142 cases were disposed of at pre-litigative stage. Total amount of Rs.5,36,33,211/- were settled.

    That apart, 20,529 pending cases were taken up and out of 7,733 cases were decided. Total amount of Rs.29,53,77,426/- were settled.

    Total No. of 14,875 cases both at pre litigative and pending stage were settled thereby settling total amount of Rs.34,90,10,637/- between the parties.

    That apart, Haryana State Legal Services Authority has been taking various other steps for precaution and prevention against COVID-19 across the State of Haryana. Recently, HALSA launched a COVID Awareness Campaign to create awareness amongst general masses about COVID-19 as well as to educate them about mask etiquettes.   Under this project, District Legal Services Authorities are undertaking mask making campaigns in association with NGOs/Public Agencies/Jails and distributing the same to the needy persons for free of cost.   Awareness drives are being conducted at different public places in association with Health Department, Haryana to apprise people about COVID vaccination and its benefits.

    During lockdown, HALSA through DLSAs extended help to 3,50,000 migrants regarding transit and food in coordination with District Administration & NGOs; more than 4,000 awareness programmes were conducted for creating awareness regarding Covid wherein more than 4,40,000 persons had participated; 2,00,000 mask & sanitizers were distributed; 2,700 were provided medical assistance; more than 20,000 Sanitary napkins were distributed; 8,121 were assisted with shelter; 20,103 were assisted with regard to travelling to home states or home districts; 1,100 Stranded Labourers were assisted for movement pass: 162 persons were given financial assistance under scheme of Haryana Govt. etc.

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