Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University: Call For Case Analysis And Materials On Competition Law
manav malhotra
10 Nov 2018 5:54 PM

Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University, with an objective to encourage and promote the skill of research and writing amongst the legal fraternity across the country in the field of “Competition Law”. In addition, the same will be published as a book on “Cases & Material on Competition Law. DSNLU, hereby, invites case analysis & comments on legal issues from interested law students from across the country.
Who can apply?
Students, academicians, researchers and legal practitioners, to come up with their contributions.
Themes for Submission:
- Anti-trust Issues and Price-Based Abuse of Dominance
- Arbitrability and Enforcement of Competition Law
- Cartelisation, Jurisdiction and Adjudication Issues
- Competition Law and Big Data.
- Competition Advocacy
- Competition Law in Platform Market and E-commerce;
- Competition Law and IPR
- Competition Law and Sports.
- Mergers and Acquisitions with respect to Competition Law
Submission Guidelines:
- Abstract for material submission shall not exceed 300 words and it shall contain the Title of the submission and an overview of their submission.
- The title of the submission should be appropriate;
- The submission should be original and unpublished work;
- The submission should not be plagiarized;
- All manuscripts must be submitted in English&MS Word (.doc/docx.) format;
- An abstract should be included with the submission ;( Abstract: shall not exceed 300 words.)
- Co-authorship is allowed subject to a maximum of two. Full names and contact details of all the authors must be given;
- Submissions should be emailed to:cls_2018@dsnlu.ac.in
Important Date:
- Abstract Submission (200-300 words): 24th November 2018
- Selection of Abstract: 27th November 2018
- Final Submission of Case Analysis, Comments and Material: 31st December 2018
For Brochure click here
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