Extra Charges For 3D Glasses For Watching 3D Movie, Kollam District Commission Orders Refund Compensation And Cost

Apoorva Pandita

8 Oct 2023 5:16 AM GMT

  • Extra Charges For 3D Glasses For Watching 3D Movie, Kollam District Commission Orders Refund Compensation And Cost

    The Kollam District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, presided by Mrs. S.K. Sreela along with Mrs. Sandhya Rani and Mr. Stanly Harold as members, allowed a consumer complaint against the theatre officials of G-Max Cinemas in Kerala (Opposite Party). The complaint was mainly about the cinema charging an extra Rs. 30/- for 3D glasses, which the consumer argued was unjust, as free...

    The Kollam District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, presided by Mrs. S.K. Sreela along with Mrs. Sandhya Rani and Mr. Stanly Harold as members, allowed a consumer complaint against the theatre officials of G-Max Cinemas in Kerala (Opposite Party). The complaint was mainly about the cinema charging an extra Rs. 30/- for 3D glasses, which the consumer argued was unjust, as free 3D glasses are provided for 3D movies.

    The Kollam Commission found that the cinema's practice of collecting additional charges for 3D glasses amounted to restrictive trade practices and suggested potential involvement in unfair trade practices. As a result, the Commission ordered the cinema to refund the extra charges for the 3D glasses and awarded the complainant Rs. 10,000/- as compensation.

    Brief Facts

    Mr Vishnu, (Complainant) booked two tickets for the 3D movie 'Avatar: The Way of Water' through the 'Book My Show' app and paid Rs. 367.20/- for both tickets, including ticket charges and a convenience fee. But apart from this, the cinema charged an additional Rs. 30/- each for 3D glasses, which the complainant deemed unfair. Mr. Vishnu argued that providing 3D glasses should be a standard practice for 3D movies. The complaint also raised concerns about hygiene as the cinema reused the glasses without proper sterilization. As a result, it was alleged that the cinema's extra charge for 3D glasses amounted to a restrictive trade practice and fleecing of customers, thus extracting unlawful profit from them.

    To support his arguments, Mr. Vishnu referred to a similar case, "Ravikrishnan N.R. Vs. The Proprietor, Remya Theatre", where charging Rs. 30/- for 3D glasses was considered a serious violation of consumer rights. In that case, the Kerala State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission ruled that such charges should not be imposed in addition to the ticket costs.

    "If 3D glasses are necessary for the better viewing of the 3D movie, it is imperative that the said glasses are supplied free of cost for the use of the viewers. Extraction of such amounts by individual theatre owners at their whims and fancies would only give room for exploitation of the consumers. "

    Observations of the Commission

    Since the theatre officials failed to respond to the allegations, the commission proceeded ex-parte and found that Mr. Vishnu's claims were justified. Consequently, the commission ruled that the cinema's practice of charging extra fees for 3D glasses constituted both restrictive trade practices and a breach of consumer trust. The Commission also acknowledged the mental agony and emotional distress the complainant had to face due to this deficient act of the theatre officials. Consequently, the Commission directed the cinema to refund Rs. 60/- to the complainant, and pay Rs. 10,000/- as compensation along with Rs. 2,000/- as the cost of the proceedings within 45 days. If the cinema officials fail to comply with this decision within the stipulated timeframe, an interest of 12% will be applied.

    Case Title: Vishnu R. vs. Mr. Gopinathan & Ors.

    C.C. No. 26/ 2023

    Click Here To Read/Download The Order

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