Judge-Wise Statistics Of Reportable Supreme Court Judgments In January 2022
Vidhi Thaker and Prastut Dalvi
7 Feb 2022 6:51 AM
Despite January having only 18 Court working days, the Supreme Court delivered 88 Reportable Judgments across various fields of law. On an average, therefore, on every working day in January, the Supreme Court delivered approximately 5 Reportable Judgments. These numbers are despite various reports indicating that about 13 Judges of the Supreme Court, and 400 registry officers had...
Despite January having only 18 Court working days, the Supreme Court delivered 88 Reportable Judgments across various fields of law. On an average, therefore, on every working day in January, the Supreme Court delivered approximately 5 Reportable Judgments. These numbers are despite various reports indicating that about 13 Judges of the Supreme Court, and 400 registry officers had tested positive for COVID-19 in January.
The authors of this article present to you a statistical study alongwith a searchable PDF of all Reportable Judgments delivered by the Supreme Court in January 2022. The searchable PDF is a detailed Table covering all Reportable Judgments, arranged Judge-wise, including the ratio, Bench strength, Judgment date and name, with all Judgments hyperlinked for easy access to the reader. It is also clarified that the statistical study and searchable PDF are restricted only to "Reportable Judgments", excluding Daily Orders, Non-Reportable Judgments / Orders, and Review Orders.
In January 2022, Justice M.R. Shah authored 26 Reportable Judgments, which was the highest number of judgments delivered by any Bench in this month. This was followed by Justice Dr. D.Y. Chandrachud authoring 13 Reportable Judgments.

Out of the total 88 Reportable Judgments, 19 Judgments (majority) were delivered in the field of criminal law; and interestingly, 5 of which were cases where the Order granting Bail was set aside by the Supreme Court. Further, the Supreme Court also commuted one death penalty to life imprisonment for 30 years without remission (Bhagwani v. State of M.P.). The 6 Judgments delivered in the field of arbitration law were all leaning towards a pro-arbitration approach, restricting the scope of judicial interference in arbitration proceedings. The subject-wise distribution of Reportable Judgments authored in January 2022 is as under:
Area / Subject of Law | No. of Judgments
Civil Law | 15 |
Criminal Law | 19 |
Arbitration Law | 6 |
Public Interest Litigation | 1 |
Service Law | 15 |
Tax Law | 6 |
Election Law | 1 |
Constitutional Law | 1 |
Insolvency & Bankruptcy | 3 |
Consumer Law | 4 |
Environmental Law | 1 |
Reservation Law | 4 |
Labour Law | 2 |
Insurance Law | 1 |
Competition Law | 1 |
Land Laws | 1 |
Mercantile Law | 1 |
Tender Matters | 2 |
Trademark Law | 1 |
Religious and Charitable Endowments Matters | 1 |
Simple Money & Mortgage Matters | 1 |
Judicial Review / Territorial Jurisdiction | 1 |
Total | 88 |
A downloadable and searchable PDF setting out other details of all the Judgments can be accessed with this article.
Authored & Compiled by
Ms. Vidhi Thaker and Mr. Prastut Dalvi
(Advocates, Supreme Court of India)