CBEC Prescribes Rate Of Interest Under CGST Act

aasavri Rai

30 Jun 2017 4:56 AM

  • CBEC Prescribes Rate Of Interest Under CGST Act

    The Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC), in the exercise of its powers under Section 20, read with Section 50(1) and (3), Section 54(12) and Section 56, of the Integrated Central Goods and Services Tax Act, has fixed the following rate of interest:The aforementioned rate of interest shall be effective from July 1.Read the notification here             ...

    The Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC), in the exercise of its powers under Section 20, read with Section 50(1) and (3), Section 54(12) and Section 56, of the Integrated Central Goods and Services Tax Act, has fixed the following rate of interest:

    The aforementioned rate of interest shall be effective from July 1.

    Read the notification here


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