Call for Papers; International Seminar on Legal and Economic Analysis of Goods and Service Tax

Nikita Hora

7 March 2016 10:38 AM

  • Call for Papers; International Seminar on Legal and Economic Analysis of Goods and Service Tax

    Centre for Consumer Protection Law and Policy (CCPLaP), Centre for Law and Economics (CLE) & Centre for Parliamentary Studies and Law Reforms (CPSLR) and The National University Of Advanced Legal StudiesNUALS, Kochi has invited paper for international seminar on “Legal and Economic Analysis of Goods and Service Tax” on 5th April, 2015. 


    • Submissions are to be made in electronic form only and are to be sent to 
    • Each article must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 300 words.
    •  The word limit for the papers is set at 3000 words (inclusive of footnotes).
    • Articles as well as their respective abstracts must be submitted before 17th March 
2016. Acceptance of articles shall be intimated within two days of receipt.
    • Submission must contain a covering letter indicating the name of the author(s), the 
name of the institution, e-mail id and contact number.
    • By submitting an article, the author is presumed to undertake that the article is an 
original work and has not been submitted, accepted or published elsewhere.
    • Articles found plagiarized will be summarily rejected.
    • Co – authorship is allowed (maximum of 2 authors).
    • Authors of the selected papers would be required to present at the seminar.
    • In case of co-authored papers, only one author would be permitted to make the 
    • All submissions must follow the Bluebook system of citation.
    • Submissions must be in Times New Roman with font size 12 and line spacing 1.5
    • Footnotes must be in Times New Roman with font size 10 and line spacing 1.
    • Submissions may be made in .doc/.docx/.odt formats only. 


    1. Ramification of GST on Consumer Laws and Policy
    2. Unified Tax – The economics Conundrum
    3. Goods and Service Tax – A law reform or Law restatement


    1. Deadline for Articles as well as their respective abstracts - 17th March 
    2. Seminar - 5th April, 2015 

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