Call For Papers: 2-Day National Seminar On “Disability And Education: A Socio-Legal Approach”
Simran Sahni
29 Oct 2016 5:45 AM

The Centre of Regulatory Studies, Governance and Public Policy (CRSGPP) at the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (WBNUJS), Kolkata invites abstracts for paper presentation for a National Seminar on “Disability and Education: Socio-legal Approach” scheduled on 29th and 30th November 2016 at WBNUJS.
Please send your abstracts comprising not more than 350 words along with a cover letter indicating your educational background, institution and contact details to on or before 6thof November, 2016.
You are hereby requested to choose from any of the following subthemes:
- Access and delivery of education for the disabled
- Disability and discrimination
- Education and its socio-economic impact on disability
- Role of law and policy in Disability and Education
- Last date for submission of abstracts: 6th November, 2016
- Intimation of abstract acceptance and invitation to submit full length papers: 11th November,2016 (Kindly note that due to the high number of submissions, only the successful candidates will be intimated)
- Last date for submission of full length papers: 27th November, 2016
- Date of Seminar: 29th and 30th of November, 2016.
For further details visit crsgpp.nujs.eduor click here.
Or contact:
- ZainabLokhandwala- +91 9051584472,
- DebaratiChakraborty- +91 9903900614,
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