Call For Submission- NLUJ Law Review, Vol. 5 Issue 2

manav malhotra

15 Jun 2018 8:58 AM

  • Call For Submission- NLUJ Law Review, Vol. 5 Issue 2

    The NLUJ Law Review is the flagship journal of National Law University, Jodhpur, established with the objective of promoting academic research and fostering debate on contemporary legal issues in India. It is a bi-annual, double-blind student reviewed and edited journal focusing on an inter-disciplinary approach towards legal writing.

    Submission Categories:

    • Long Articles (6500 -8500 words, including footnotes

    • Short Articles (3500--6000 words, including footnotes

    • Notes and Comments (1500-3000 words, including footnotes

    Submission Guidelines:

    • In order to ensure transparency in the blind review process, the name of the author or institutional affiliation must not be mentioned anywhere in the manuscript or its properties.

    • The first page of the manuscript should only contain the name of the paper followed by a 200 word abstract. The second page should contain a table of contents, and the main body of the manuscript must begin immediately thereafter.

    • All submissions must be mailed in Word format (doc or docx) as an attachment to, with the subject “Manuscript Submission for 5.2.” PDF/other formats/hard copy submissions will not be accepted.

    For any queries Contact:

    Email at


    Chandni Ghatak

    For Brochure click here

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