Call for Papers; Journal of Legal Research and Analysis (JLRA)
Sukriti Singh
4 Oct 2015 10:05 AM IST
Journal of Legal Research and Analysis (JLRA) has invited submissions for its Vol. 1 Issue 2 from academicians, practitioners, students, researchers and experts from and within the legal community.
Nature of Submissions
- Articles (3000-5000 words, inclusive of footnotes): Articles must provide a complete
analysis of the area of law which the author seeks to highlight. It must contain a comprehensive study of the existing law, indicating the lacunae therein, and must contain an attempt to suggest possible changes which can address the said lacunae. - Essays (2000- 3000 words exclusive of footnotes): An essay is more adventurous as it challenges existing paradigms/norms and provides a fresh outlook to common problems.
- Legislative and Policy Review (2000-3000 words): A critical analysis of any legislation or
policy in India. Advocacy for need of a Law or Policy or Amendments in any Law or Policy
in India. - Book Reviews (1500-2000 words, inclusive of footnotes): Book Reviews may be solicited
and unsolicited pieces which critically examine a book released within the two years preceding
the release of the current issue of the ESLJ. - Legislative Comments (2000 – 3000 words, inclusive of footnotes): The legislation should
be analyzed with a view to provide the background, objectives and main provisions of the
legislation to the readers. The comments must be objective in reporting facts and
Submission Guidelines
- An abstract of the submission written in not more than 250 words must be submitted along with the contribution.
- All submissions should be made MS Word (*.doc or *.docx) electronically at along with the following information:
Name of the Author
Position/Year of Study
Author Contact Information
Formatting Guidelines
- The submission shall be in MS Word format strictly.
- The Main Text font shall be in Times New Roman of font size 12, with Spacing of 1.5.
- The footnotes to be in Times New Roman of font size 10, with Spacing 1.
- End notes are not to be used.
- FOOTNOTES: Font – Times New Roman; Font size -10; Spacing – Every Footnote shall be
single spaced, but there shall be double spacing between two different Footnotes. - Citation Format: Citations included in the submitted articles should conform to ‘SILC:
Standard Indian Legal Citation’.
Last date for submission of contributions: 31st October, 2015.
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