Call for Papers ; International Journal of Law and Policy Review
Nikita Hora
4 Oct 2015 5:59 AM

Editorial board of the 'International Journal of Law and Policy Review' [ISSN (O): 2278-3156] is inviting articles / comments / book review form the author/writer for January, 2016 issue [Vol-5, No-1].
The write up can be sent under the following categories:
Segment 1 - Special Articles:- Any topic relating to law and policy
- Minimum Length (6000 words including footnotes).
Segment 2 – Law of the future:
- Any new Bill introduced relating to law and its research.
- Minimum Length (3000 words including footnotes).
Segment 3 - Book Reviews/Comments:
- Any new/revised book launched relating to law and policy.
- Minimum Length (1200 words including footnotes).
- Write up particularly preferred by the Chief Editor shall also be published.
- The write up must reach through e-mail ijlpr@nujs.eduon or before October 30, 2015.
- The Next issue will be uploaded on or after January 15, 2016
For further information click here.
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