Live Law

2024-02-08 06:17:49.0

  • Swarup : very advisedly, that it is in 2, that include or exclude, there can be no other shade of variation, the state has still no role, it will be done by the parliament. And parliament by law will only include or exclude, why ? because this is all homogenous now and deemed to be homogenous. - pls do not pierce that, either include or exclude and that fresh experience is not shut out , it is in 2, the fresh experience will be translated in this fashion.. the state govt will have a fresh experience , they will send it to a commission now, there was always a commission (338 Article), the commission is a constitutional body, a route created, the commissions report will then be put to parliament/ state legislature / president - president will exercise under 341 and will include and exclude. 

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