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Breaking: Erring Prosecutors And Investigating Officers Must Be Proceeded Against In Case Of Unmerited Acquittals And Wrongful Convictions; SC [Download Judgment]
8 Jan 2014 5:15 AM
The Supreme Court has come up with yet another landmark judgment in Criminal Law which is in the right direction of cleansing the criminal prosecution system of our country. The Apex Court was considering a Criminal Appeal by the State of Gujarat against acquittal of an accused person, who was originally awarded death penalty by the Trial Court.The accused stood trial for rape and brutal...
The Supreme Court has come up with yet another landmark judgment in Criminal Law which is in the right direction of cleansing the criminal prosecution system of our country. The Apex Court was considering a Criminal Appeal by the State of Gujarat against acquittal of an accused person, who was originally awarded death penalty by the Trial Court.
The accused stood trial for rape and brutal murder of a six year old child. The case began on filing a complaint at Navrangpura Police Station, Ahmedabad, alleging the kidnapping/abduction of a six year old girl child on 27.2.2003 by the accused enticing the child with a "gola" (crushed ice, with sweet flavoured syrup), and later she was taken to a field and raped. The child was murdered by inflicting injuries on her head and other parts of the body with bricks and murderer took away the "jhanjris" (anklets) worn by her, by chopping off her feet just above her ankles. One of the most horrendous crime reported in the recent past.
The Trial Court relaying on circumstantial evidence awarded death penalty, which was later reversed by the High Court and acquitted the accused. The State appealed to the Supreme Court, but the Court through the present judgment acquitted the accused. While doing so, the Apex Court felt deep anguish and noticed the appalling standards of investigation. It went on to give far reaching directions which will have to be followed by the Police and prosecution agencies in the country. Notably, the SC has directed that a training programme be put in place within 6 months which would ensure that those who handle sensitive matters concerning investigation/prosecution are fully trained to handle the same. And thereupon, if any lapses are committed by them, they would not be able to feign innocence, and will be made liable to suffer departmental action for their lapses.
The judgment has been authored by Justice Jagdish Singh Khehar, who heard the matter along with Justice C.K. Prasad. The scathing observations of the Apex Court touch the conscience of the citizens and expose the inefficiency and failure of the concerned prosecution agencies in handling the investigation of the heinous crime. In the words of the Court, "He (accused) may be truly innocent, or he may have succeeded because of the lapses committed by the investigating/prosecuting teams".
Reacting to the judgment former Supreme Court Judge K T Thomas J. said; "as a trial lawyer on the criminal side for a period of 17 years and a trial sessions judge for a period of 8 years and as appellate judge in High Court and Supreme Court for a period nearly 18 years i am of the view that 'unmerited acquittals' are on account of inefficiency or lapse or even connivance on the part of the Public Prosecutor. A defective investigation can be corrected by Public Prosecutor utilising different provisions of Cr. PC and Evidence Act. No doubt Supreme Court has rightly pointed out to the authorities that erring Investigating Officers must be made answerable to the real culprits escaping from the criminal liability due to the lapses of Investigating Officer. To that extend I welcome the judgment."
The relevant extracts of the judgment are reproduced as below:
"14. We have given our thoughtful consideration to the submissions advanced at the hands of the learned counsel for the appellant, which have been duly noticed in paragraph 9 hereinabove. It is also relevant for us to record, that the learned counsel for the appellant did not advance a single submission in addition to the contentions we have noticed in paragraph 9 above. The submissions advanced at the hands of the learned counsel for the appellant, were sought to be supported by judgments rendered by this Court, all of which have been referred to in paragraph 13 above. The submissions advanced at the hands of the learned counsel for the appellant, based on each of the judgments cited, have also been recorded by us in the said paragraph. Having considered the totality of the facts and circumstances of this case, specially the glaring lapses committed in the investigation and prosecution of the case (recorded in paragraph 11 of the instant judgment), as also the inconsistencies in the evidence produced by the prosecution (summarized in paragraph 12 hereinabove), we are of the considered view, that each one of the submissions advanced at the hands of the learned counsel for the appellant is meritless. For the circumstantial evidence produced by the prosecution, primary reliance has been placed on the statements of Bababhai Naranbhai Solanki PW2, Naranbhai Manabhai Solanki PW5, and Dinesh Karshanbhai Thakore PW6. By demonstrating inconsistencies and infirmities in the statements of the above witnesses, their statements have also been rendered suspicious and accordingly unreliable. There is also a serious impression of fudging and padding at the hands of the agencies involved. As a matter of fact, the lack of truthfulness of the statements of witnesses has been demonstrated by means of simple logic emerging from the factual position expressed through different prosecution witnesses (summarized in paragraphs 11 and 12 above). The evidence produced to prove the charges, has been systematically shattered, thereby demolishing the prosecution version. More than all that, is the non production of evidence which the prosecution has unjustifiably withheld, resulting in dashing all the States efforts to the ground. It is not necessary for us to record our detailed determination on the submissions advanced at the hands of the learned counsel for the appellant, for such reasons clearly emerge from the factual position noticed in paragraphs 11 and 12 hereinabove. Recording of reasons all over again, would just be a matter of repetition. In view of the above, we find no merit in this appeal and the same is accordingly dismissed.
15. The investigating officials and the prosecutors involved in presenting this case, have miserably failed in discharging their duties. They have been instrumental in denying to serve the cause of justice. The misery of the family of the victim Gomi has remained unredressed. The perpetrators of a horrendous crime, involving extremely ruthless and savage treatment to the victim, have remained unpunished. A heartless and merciless criminal, who has committed an extremely heinous crime, has gone scot-free. He must be walking around in Ahmedabad, or some other city/town in India, with his head held high. A criminal on the move. Fearless and fearsome. Fearless now, because he could not be administered the punishment, he ought to have suffered. And fearsome, on account of his having remained unaffected by the brutal crime committed by him. His actions now, know of no barriers. He could be expected to act in an unfathomable savage manner, uncomprehendable to a sane mind.
16. As we discharge our responsibility in deciding the instant criminal appeal, we proceed to apply principles of law, and draw inferences. For, that is our job. We are trained, not to be swayed by mercy or compassion. We are trained to adjudicate without taking sides, and without being mindful of the consequences. We are required to adjudicate on the basis of well drawn parameters. We have done all that. Despite thereof, we feel crestfallen, heartbroken and sorrowful. We could not serve the cause of justice, to an innocent child. We could not even serve the cause of justice, to her immediate family. The members of the family of Gomi must never have stopped cursing themselves, for not adequately protecting their child from a prowler, who had snatched an opportunity to brutalise her,during their lapse in attentiveness. And if the prosecution version about motive is correct, the crime was committed for a mere consideration of Rs.1,000/-.
17. Every time there is an acquittal, the consequences are just the same, as have been noticed hereinabove. The purpose of justice has not been achieved. There is also another side to be taken into consideration. We have declared the accused-respondent innocent, by upholding the order of the High Court, giving him the benefit of doubt. He may be truly innocent, or he may have succeeded because of the lapses committed by the investigating/prosecuting teams. If he has escaped, despite being guilty, the investigating and the prosecution agencies must be deemed to have seriously messed it all up. And if the accused was wrongfully prosecuted, his suffering is unfathomable. Here also, the investigating and prosecuting agencies are blameworthy. It is therefore necessary, not to overlook even the hardship suffered by the accused, first during the trial of the case, and then at the appellate stages. An innocent person does not deserve to suffer the turmoil of a long drawn litigation, spanning over a decade, or more. The expenses incurred by an accused in his defence can dry up all his financial resources – ancestral or personal. Criminal litigation could also ordinarily involve financial borrowings. An accused can be expected to be under a financial debt, by the time his ordeal is over.
18. Numerous petitions are filed before this Court, praying for anticipatory bail (under Section 438 of the Code of Criminal Procedure) at the behest of persons apprehending arrest, or for bail (under Section 439 of the Code of Criminal Procedure) at the behest of persons already under detention. In a large number of such petitions, the main contention is of false implication. Likewise, many petitions seeking quashing of criminal proceeding (filed under Section 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure) come up for hearing day after day, wherein also, the main contention is of fraudulent entanglement/involvement. In matters where prayers for anticipatory bail or for bail made under Sections 438 and 439 are denied, or where a quashing petition filed under Section 482 of the Code of Criminal Procedure is declined, the person concerned may have to suffer periods of incarceration for different lengths of time. They suffer captivity and confinement most of the times (at least where they are accused of serious offences), till the culmination of their trial. In case of their conviction, they would continue in confinement during the appellate stages also, and in matters which reach the Supreme Court, till the disposal of their appeals by this Court. By the time they are acquitted at the appellate stage, they may have undergone long years of custody. When acquitted by this Court, they may have suffered imprisonment of 10 years, or more. When they are acquitted (by the trial or the appellate court), no one returns to them; what was wrongfully taken away from them. The system responsible for the administration of justice, is responsible for having deprived them of their lives, equivalent to the period of their detention. It is not untrue, that for all the wrong reasons, innocent persons are subjected to suffer the ignominy of criminal prosecution and to suffer shame and humiliation. Just like it is the bounden duty of a court to serve the cause of justice to the victim, so also, it is the bounden duty of a court to ensure that an innocent person is not subjected to the rigours of criminal prosecution.
19. The situation referred to above needs to be remedied. For the said purpose, adherence to a simple procedure could serve the objective. We accordingly direct, that on the completion of the investigation in a criminal case, the prosecuting agency should apply its independent mind, and require all shortcomings to be rectified, if necessary by requiring further investigation. It should also be ensured, that the evidence gathered during investigation is truly and faithfully utilized, by confirming that all relevant witnesses and materials for proving the charges are conscientiously presented during the trial of a case. This would achieve two purposes. Only persons against whom there is sufficient evidence, will have to suffer the rigors of criminal prosecution. By following the above procedure, in most criminal prosecutions, the concerned agencies will be able to successfully establish the guilt of the accused.
20. Every acquittal should be understood as a failure of the justice delivery system, in serving the cause of justice. Likewise, every acquittal should ordinarily lead to the inference, that an innocent person was wrongfully prosecuted. It is therefore, essential that every State should put in place a procedural mechanism, which would ensure that the cause of justice is served, which would simultaneously ensure the safeguard of interest of those who are innocent. In furtherance of the above purpose, it is considered essential to direct the Home Department of every State, to examine all orders of acquittal and to record reasons for the failure of each prosecution case. A standing committee of senior officers of the police and prosecution departments, should be vested with aforesaid responsibility. The consideration at the hands of the above committee, should be utilized for crystalizing mistakes committed during investigation, and/or prosecution, or both. The Home Department of every State Government will incorporate in its existing training programmes for junior investigation/prosecution officials course- content drawn from the above consideration. The same should also
constitute course-content of refresher training programmes, for senior investigating/prosecuting officials. The above responsibility for preparing training programmes for officials, should be vested in the same committee of senior officers referred to above. Judgments like the one in hand (depicting more than 10 glaring lapses in the investigation/prosecution of the case), and similar other judgments, may also be added to the training programmes. The course content will be reviewed by the above committee annually, on the basis of fresh inputs, including emerging scientific tools of investigation, judgments of Courts, and on the basis of
experiences gained by the standing committee while examining failures, in unsuccessful prosecution of cases.
We further direct, that the above training programme be put in place within 6 months. This would ensure that those persons who handle sensitive matters concerning investigation/prosecution are fully trained to handle the same. Thereupon, if any lapses are committed by them, they would not be able to feign innocence, when they are made liable to suffer departmental action, for their lapses.
21. On the culmination of a criminal case in acquittal, the concerned investigating/prosecuting official(s) responsible for such acquittal must necessarily be identified. A finding needs to be recorded in each case, whether the lapse was innocent or blameworthy. Each erring officer must suffer the consequences of his lapse, by appropriate departmental action, whenever called for. Taking into consideration the seriousness of the matter, the concerned official may be withdrawn from investigative responsibilities, permanently or temporarily, depending purely on his culpability. We also feel compelled to require the adoption of some indispensable measures, which may reduce the malady suffered by parties on both sides of criminal litigation. Accordingly we direct, the Home Department of every State Government, to formulate a procedure for taking action against all erring investigating/prosecuting officials/officers. All such erring officials/officers identified, as responsible for failure of a prosecution case, on account of sheer negligence or because of culpable lapses, must suffer departmental action. The above mechanism formulated would infuse seriousness in the performance of investigating and prosecuting duties, and would ensure that investigation and
prosecution are purposeful and decisive. The instant direction shall also be given effect to within 6 months.
22. A copy of the instant judgment shall be transmitted by the Registry of this Court, to the Home Secretaries of all State Governments and Union Territories, within one week. All the concerned Home Secretaries, shall ensure compliance of the directions recorded above. The records of consideration, in compliance with the above direction, shall be maintained.
23. We hope and trust the Home Department of the State of Gujarat, will identify the erring officers in the instant case, and will take appropriate departmental action against them, as may be considered appropriate, in accordance with law.
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