Supreme Court Hearing On Suo Motu COVID Case: LIVE UPDATES

Update: 2021-05-31 05:49 GMT
Live Updates - Page 6
2021-05-31 06:37 GMT

Gupta: See what happened to 45+. As of now, there is nothing in the policy which says that 18+ will get it for free.

Justice Rao: Has any State said in its affidavit that they will not give it for free and people will be charged ?

Gupta: No.

2021-05-31 06:35 GMT

Gupta: There is no free vaccination for 18 to 45 involved.

SG: States have taken decision for free vaccine.

Gupta: I am coming to that. Now States have agreed to give it. We can’t go by that. They are grumbling and have filed applications saying Centre should procure.

2021-05-31 06:34 GMT

Gupta: Why can’t they procure for the whole country ? Ultimately the tax payers will pay for it.

#SupremeCourtofIndia #COVID19

2021-05-31 06:34 GMT

Gupta: Different States have different economic conditions. Maharashtra is a rich State and they will be able to lift vaccines. Nagaland may not be able to. As you have indicated, the Union points out why they pay 150. But, State has to pay 400. The reason is monopoly.

2021-05-31 06:32 GMT

Gupta: Third, this decentralisation means that Centre has to procure. Our vaccination policy from before was one of the best. It has always prevailed. We are now seeing change in policy in respect of the same problem.

2021-05-31 06:31 GMT

Gupta: These are distributing issues. One is that single-source procurement is gone. Now States have approached the manufacturers, they are not dealing with them. Second, we have on record that foreign manufacturers flatly refuse to deal with State.

2021-05-31 06:30 GMT

Gupta: I have no doubt of the bona fide of the Centre. But, there is a need for a change in the policy document as produced today. The three issues which arise out of new policy is this.

#SupremeCourtofIndia #COVID19

2021-05-31 06:29 GMT

Gupta refers to the policy document of 23 April.

SG: That has changed. You may not refer to that.

Gupta: It has not.

#SupremeCourtofIndia #COVID19

2021-05-31 06:28 GMT

Gupta: To be fair to the Centre, three statements have been made that vaccination will be possible. But, nothing in the Affidavit indicates that.

#SupremeCourtofIndia #COVID19

2021-05-31 06:27 GMT

Gupta: Other reason is that antibodies are effective. If you can control the pandemic within 6 months, the virus will have the ability to attach itself to large groups of people and mutate. Vaccinate as soon as possible. This is the overall objective.


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