Supreme Court Hearing On Suo Motu COVID Case: LIVE UPDATES

Update: 2021-05-31 05:49 GMT
Live Updates - Page 7
2021-05-31 06:27 GMT

Gupta: The purpose of this hearing now is to achieve vaccination in shortest amount of time. Scientists have said, one is Dr. M. Vidyasagar, if you have 100 crore doses of vaccines, then you might have covered the minimum requirement by January. This means 6 months.

2021-05-31 06:26 GMT

Gupta: Your order of 6th May creates an environment that the issues that are here can be sent to the Force. They can also look into those aspects. They’re all specialists, they’re doctors. They can take it up.

#SupremeCourtofIndia #COVID19

2021-05-31 06:25 GMT

Gupta: Because the issue is before the National Task Force, the Centre says that the oxygen issue should not be gone into by the Court. I agree with that. We are no longer worrying about the present and planning about the future.

2021-05-31 06:24 GMT

Gupta: Broad aspect is oxygen. It was dealt with in another matter. The Registry tells us that the report will be filed in that matter.

SG: I will personally give it to you and you can file it here.

#SupremeCourtofIndia #COVID19

2021-05-31 06:24 GMT

Gupta: I will give an example. GST issues have been referred to GST Council. So petitions that are before on this issue may not need to come up.

2021-05-31 06:23 GMT

Gupta: I only want to highlight the issues. Before I do that, on the overall aspect of matted, things have changed on the ground. The pandemic is slightly under control now. Laudatory decisions have been taken by the Centre. We are not critical of them.

2021-05-31 06:22 GMT

Justice Chandrachud: Jaideep himself says that maybe some issues have been resolved.

#SupremeCourtofIndia #COVID19

2021-05-31 06:22 GMT

Gupta: We are conscious of the fact that policy is changing and we are not getting into an argument about final detail.

SG: If you can wait for my fresh Affidavit.

Justice Chandrachud: Let these concerns be highlighted and you make a note of them.

2021-05-31 06:21 GMT

Justice Bhat: This is a real fear amongst the people. I have gotten distress calls from people across the country, that they’re not getting slots. They’re all gone within seconds. 

2021-05-31 06:20 GMT

Gupta: For 18 to 44, it was mandatory registration. We are tracking newspapers. Look at how much difficulty we experience for getting a slot. We keep trying. Now how will the labourer go to a centre and keep waiting and trying ?

Justice Chandrachud: He’s a daily wage labourer.


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