Supreme Court Hearing On Migrant Issue: Live-Updates

Update: 2020-05-28 07:56 GMT
Live Updates - Page 8
2020-05-28 08:34 GMT

Bench: What about the migrants who are not living in shelter homes? Many of them are still living on rent?

SG: Sometimes limited instances have long lasting impact on the human mind. Reporting may not be fully accurate. Repeated reporting of isolated incident has a deep impact

2020-05-28 08:32 GMT

Bench asks the SG:

"how many days will be required to transport all the migrants back to their states?"

SG: "Aprpox 1 crore #Migrants have already shifted. Several opted not to shift due to the reopening of activities. States would be in a better position to estimate that"

2020-05-28 08:31 GMT


"Hard reality is that it's [a mechanism to tackle the #migrantcrisis] not there. Looking at number of #migrants some further steps need to be taken."

SG: "We have worked over night to file this report. Will file comprehensive report"

2020-05-28 08:31 GMT

SC Bench:

"Look into the future. How much time do you need to shift the #migrants to where they want to go? What will be monitoring mechanism to ensure food and basic necessities are taken care of? Its not that Govt. is doing Nothing, but some concrete steps have to be taken"

2020-05-28 08:28 GMT

Bench: "We need to ensure that till the time the #migrants are transported back to their homes, food and other essentials for them are taken care of."

2020-05-28 08:26 GMT

Bench: Food will have to come either from the originating state or the centre. Who is supplying [the #MigrantWorkers] food?

SG: "This is an unprecedented crisis and we are taking unprecedented measures"

2020-05-28 08:24 GMT

Solicitor General Tushar Mehta : They [#MigrantWorkers] are provided with food. Even Mr. Sibal's state is providing food.

Bench: "We are asking you. Not Mr. Sibal."

2020-05-28 08:22 GMT

Bench asks the Solicitor General:

"Are these people that going to be transported, are being asked to shell out any money at any stage? With food surplus available with the FCI, is food being supplied to them while they wait for being transported back?"

2020-05-28 08:20 GMT

Bench: The first problem is of transport of the #migrant. They are waiting for weeks even after registration.

SG: During this period, there are certain essential functions of railways that cannot be compromised. Railways are working at optimum capacity.

2020-05-28 08:19 GMT

"...After quarantine [of #MigrantWorkers] is over, they are shifted through local transport buses to respective villages" SG Submits.

He adds that there are many states that do not have thousands of buses at their disposal thats why specialised trains are running.


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