Supreme Court Hearing On Migrant Issue: Live-Updates

Update: 2020-05-28 07:56 GMT
Live Updates - Page 9
2020-05-28 08:16 GMT

"UP and Bihar account for 80+ percentage of #migrants.

In UP they have adopted a system where when the migrants reach the station, they are encouraged to follow quarantine by offering them Rs. 1000 cash after the quarantine period is over. This is working very well."

- SG

2020-05-28 08:15 GMT


"On uniform ticketing [for #MigrantWorkers] - it cannot be centralised at the central level. That’s why the railways decided that it will be left to the State Govts to decide."

2020-05-28 08:14 GMT

SG continues apprising the bench.

Says once the #MigrantWorkers reach their destination state, they are screened again.

"This we are doing to ensure they don’t pass on the infection. Some states are even adopting mandatory quarantine before they go home"

2020-05-28 08:12 GMT

SG: "Food & drinking water provided by railways free of cost. The first meal is provided by State Govt. once the train starts, the food is provided by the rail min. If the journey is short then one meal and if it’s long then 2 meals"

"Indian railways has provided 84 lakh meals"

2020-05-28 08:11 GMT

Bench asks the Solicitor General:

"We need clarity with respect to who will pay the fare [for the movement of #MigrantWorkers]"

SG : "Either the receiving state pays to the railways or originating state pays OR in some cases, the money is reimbursed"

2020-05-28 08:10 GMT

SG: There are certain neighbouring states for which it was decided (by the Central Govt with cooperation of State Govts) that we will use road transport and a total of 47 lakh migrants have been shifted, taking the tally to 3.36 lac migrants being moved per day"

2020-05-28 08:07 GMT

"Centre and all state governments are working fully in cooperation across party lines. The total shifting of migrant is 1.85 lakh migrants per day through average train journey of 187 trains operating [to transport #MigrantWorkers]. 50 lakh migrants have already been shifted": SG

2020-05-28 08:03 GMT

Solicitor General Tushar Meta:

"Some isolated incidents have taken place [pertaining to the plight of #MigrantWorkers] but these are being shown repeatedly. I have filed preliminary report. Give me time to orally say what I've said."

2020-05-28 08:03 GMT

SG makes submissions:

"We are immensely grateful to your Lordships for having taken cognisance [of the plight of #MigrantWorkers issue] Government(s) - center and states all have a responsible and August forum where we can point out steps that have taken place."

2020-05-28 08:01 GMT

Solicitor General Tushar Mehta holds up paper saying "Please Mute Mikes"

Now, control room has muted everyone including SG.


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