Delhi's Air Quality Crisis- LIVE UPDATES From Supreme Court Hearing

Update: 2021-11-17 06:13 GMT
Live Updates - Page 3
2021-11-17 06:34 GMT

Singh: There’s small time gap so they don’t have time to use traditional methods to remove or let it disintegrate. So something has to be done to make crop ready, which is when stubble burning started.

2021-11-17 06:33 GMT

Singh: During construction sprinklers are to be used. All this is not being done in Delhi. Last year all this wasn’t done, there was all that politics about J Lokur’s committee etc. If its again delayed till next year nothing will happen. 

2021-11-17 06:33 GMT

Singh: Like SG said there’s no agenda. In Delhi, BS-VI norms have already been implemented. If thermal plants are following AQI norms which are so stringent, even they can run. The problem is these norms are not being followed. 

2021-11-17 06:33 GMT

Singh: this petition was filed in 2020 by two students.

Singh reads out prayers from his petition

2021-11-17 06:33 GMT

Vikas Singh: I need what has to be done, be done while Your Lordships are in office and not be delayed till next October 

2021-11-17 06:33 GMT

Counsel: steps have been taken it will be misleading to say nothing is done. We have asked Centre to provide funds 

2021-11-17 06:32 GMT

Bench: By the time machines will be purchased season will be over. We’ll appreciate if you give details of how many machines you purchased or were given to the gram panchayat.

2021-11-17 06:32 GMT

Counsel for Punjab submits officers Visited 2570 villages, 417 burning events were found, fires were extinguished.

Bench: And you left the stubble there? Leaving farmers are at mercy of Board? 

2021-11-17 06:32 GMT

Counsel: They’ve been told to do.

J kant: told to do means you’ve left it on their discretion. What have you done.

2021-11-17 06:32 GMT

J Kant: Your affidavit says you directed work from home. Is it implemented?

Haryana’s counsel: yes

Bench: you’re saying in Sonepat, Gurgaon etc Only essential service vehicles are allowed? 


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