Delhi's Air Quality Crisis- LIVE UPDATES From Supreme Court Hearing

Update: 2021-11-17 06:13 GMT
Live Updates - Page 4
2021-11-17 06:32 GMT

Counsel for State of Haryana appears.

CJI: have you made efforts to talk ro farmers?

Counsel: Yes District Magistrates have been asked to talk to not do this for 2 weeks. Court’s orders have been complied with, work from home directed

2021-11-17 06:31 GMT

CJI: Your coordination committee has made suggestions, it’s equally applicable to all states and centre.

SG: as to the number of sweeping machines, it was found 15 won't be enough, so we have asked them to augment. 

2021-11-17 06:31 GMT

Bench: These are implementation and enforcement steps, some positive steps will also need to be taken. 

2021-11-17 06:31 GMT

Bench: is it not possible to CNG busses? So people who have to travel for work can

Singhvi submits it’ll have to be seen if it can be used as a short term measure or nor, the available number of buses etc has to be seen.

2021-11-17 06:31 GMT

Bench: we’ve a suggestion, you’ve said it’s possible to close non-essential industries for short period if other NCR states do it. Is that possible to be done?

Singhvi: It's been said as what’s the point if vehicles are coming from other states

2021-11-17 06:30 GMT

Bench: why don’t you identify days when public offices are closed, private vehicles are less, vehicles for common people are allowed.

Singhvi: It's 100% work from home.

2021-11-17 06:30 GMT

J Kant: Both you are agreeing transport is an issue. These are long term measures what you’re saying. What are immediate measures? 

2021-11-17 06:30 GMT

CJI: You say suggestions made in Mr Mehta’s affidavits are enough to control pollution?

Singhvi: No. Stubble will have to be controlled.

2021-11-17 06:29 GMT

Judges discuss amongst themselves

CJI: we are not impressed or inclined to go into these figures. Enough is enough. We can’t go into this, how many machines required, etc

Singhvi: it’s been done already. 

2021-11-17 06:29 GMT

Singhvi: 15 have been ordered. We wrote TO MCD they said they need 15 more. We approved that .

Bench: will 15 work, there’s 1000s of kms of road

Singhvi: if they say they want more we’ll approve 


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