[Live Updates] : SC Hearing In Kashmir Petitions

Update: 2019-11-26 05:30 GMT
Live Updates - Page 4
2019-11-26 06:35 GMT

SG- non state actors as well as politicians tried to create an issue for all these years.

These were exceptional situations. Measures were needed.

Individual movement was never restricted. Public congregation wasn't allowed

2019-11-26 06:31 GMT

SG continues to read some statements, allegedly from certain Pak handles, saying he won't take names.

J Reddy- so these form the basis of imposing restrictions?

SG- Yes


2019-11-26 06:30 GMT

SG- it cant be segregated. Either we can grant full access or not. Cannot separate sites

J Ramana- read an article which said that internet access would be given on certain conditions.

SG- That's happening.


2019-11-26 06:29 GMT

SG- internet restrictions have already been lifted at many places. Many software companies in Srinagar were given access.

J Ramana- Cant access be granted to few selective sites? Not allow Twitter @TwitterIndia for example?


2019-11-26 06:23 GMT

Quoting certain handles SG says Afghani Taliban is a hashtag for example, #jihad is another


2019-11-26 06:23 GMT

ASG Vikramjit Banerjee explains hashtags to J Ramana


2019-11-26 06:23 GMT

SG : Pakistan says they will provide internet to keep the issue burning

J Ramana- how?

SG- shows ignorance of Pak minister


2019-11-26 06:23 GMT

SG- newspaper is also a form of communication, it is one sided communication.

Landline is one to one.

Social media however is uncontrolled. I can convey to someone and it will multiply. The use of hashtags ensure multiplication by 10s of thousands.


2019-11-26 06:18 GMT

SG says these are some of the many things posted on social media, which stir sentiments and incite people, which justifies govt banning internet. Clarifies that internet was never banned everywhere in j&k

2019-11-26 06:18 GMT

SG referring to statement by Ghulam Nabi Azad-

Till Congress is present, we will not allow 370 to be lifted even if BJP rules for 200 years

Quotes another statement (did not catch the name)- if 370 is temporary, our annexation was also temporary. Plebiscite is still pending.


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