[Live Updates] : SC Hearing In Kashmir Petitions

Update: 2019-11-26 05:30 GMT
Live Updates - Page 5
2019-11-26 06:13 GMT

SG now refers to statements by National Conference

"We will have our own flag, law. We had a separate PM, separate President. We will bring it back. We joined hands with India under certain conditions"

SG says J&K is integral part of India. There was no such thing as handshake.

2019-11-26 06:12 GMT

SG cites another speech by Mufti @MehboobaMufti


"Will be difficult to uphold national flag. Local militants are sons of soil. They are assets".

SG- She urged Ulema/separatists to join the fight who are assisting terrorism. She compared India with Israel


2019-11-26 06:11 GMT

SG- continues to list out speeches and statements.


Mehbooba Mufti

"All leaders and workers should unite against removal of 35A. NC, PDP or INC - we need to keep our differences aside and sacrifice life & property to protect J&K special status."

2019-11-26 06:10 GMT

SG citing some of the speeches by political leaders when abrogation of Article 370 was speculated.

On July 28, Mehbooba Mufti said "we want to tell the central govt tinkering with article 35A will result in the whole body being burnt. We cannot forget sacrifices of our martyrs. PDP will stand for special status of Kashmir. Hands, body will be burnt"

July 29, Mufti said- many PDP members carried the national flag on their shoulders. If abrogated, no one will be left in Kashmir to shoulder the flag and no one would be left to carry bodies.

SG cites this statement

2019-11-26 06:02 GMT

SG- While political leaders have freedom of speech and expression, please note some of these speeches


2019-11-26 05:56 GMT

SG : We are fighting enemies from across the border. We are aware of the situation


2019-11-26 05:56 GMT

SG- Sec 144 CrPC empowers authority to pass orders in urgent cases. SC reversed Karnataka HC's decision to interfere with order of 144, in larger public interest (Praveen Togadia case).


2019-11-26 05:52 GMT

SG refers to the case State of Karnataka v Praveen Togadia, where SC upheld prohibitory orders imposed for maintaining communal harmony.

2019-11-26 05:43 GMT

SG- This is a preventive measure, not a remedy, in order to protect human life and security, and to ensure that law and order situation doesn't deteriorate

2019-11-26 05:43 GMT

SG- They asked why restrictions were imposed when nothing happened. I submit that the actions were necessary and justified to prevent crime and breach of peace



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