Hijab Ban- Supreme Court Hearing- DAY-9 Live Updates

Update: 2022-09-21 05:08 GMT
Live Updates - Page 3
2022-09-21 09:24 GMT

ASG : There is no requirement to refer to Constitution Bench. This is a simple case of discipline. No person has been discriminated on the ground of religion. All have been treated equally.

2022-09-21 09:24 GMT

ASG : Tomorrow a person might say Burqa is my fundamental right. But when you go to airport, you have to show your face. A Hindu can say performing Hawan is fundamental right, but can say allow hawan at India Gate or in Court. All religious rights must be balanced.

2022-09-21 09:15 GMT

ASG referring to the judgment which held airman can't keep beard violating the code of the forces.

2022-09-21 09:10 GMT

ASG : Question is not hijab. We say follow uniform.

J Dhulia : But the net effect is a girl can't wear hijab. Give a straight yes or no answer.

ASG : State has not said don't wear hijab. We respect hijab, we respect shawl, everything.

J Gupta : You say keep it outside school.

2022-09-21 09:10 GMT

Justice Dhulia : So you are preventing them from entering school because you want to promote national integration?

ASG : We are not preventing anyone, we are saying follow uniform.

Justice Dhulia : But you prevent them from wearing hijab?

2022-09-21 09:10 GMT

ASG : State action was to promote oneness, students should feel equal.

2022-09-21 08:59 GMT

ASG referring to judgments which hold that Article 30 does not confer absolute right - he relies on the judgments to argue that no fundamental right is absolute and without restrictions.

2022-09-21 08:55 GMT

ASG refers to objectives of the Karnataka Education Act -better administration of education, cultivating secular outlook and scientific temper among students, discipline..

2022-09-21 08:49 GMT

ASG refers to Article 30 - Article 30 right, reading on first blush, looks like an absolute right. There are no riders. But this court has interpreted in a catena of judgments has held that Art 30 rights are not absolute and can be regulated.

2022-09-21 08:49 GMT

ASG : How can you have religious symbols in a secular education institution? Secular education is not meant for that.

Justice Gupta : According to you, irrespective of no violation of public order, morality or health, Article 25 can be made subject to Article 14.

ASG: Yes, Article 25 is regulated by Article 14.


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