Article 370 Case Hearing : Live Updates From Supreme Court [Day 10]

Update: 2023-08-24 05:59 GMT
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Live Updates - Page 4
2023-08-24 09:37 GMT

SG: I'm showing this to establish that a stand which has been taken that we had a special feature and therefore we were given special treatment and this provision was a privilege given to us which can't be taken away- I'm showing that there were many princely states...

2023-08-24 09:35 GMT

CJI: The only difference was that this constitutional history led to the ultimate integration in every sense of the other States. They didn't follow the 370 route. Because for J&K, the Constitution decided to go to 370. Other states merged completely.

2023-08-24 09:34 GMT

SG Mehta, referring to the model IoA: "Nothing in this instrument shall be deemed to commit the united states in any way to acceptance of any future constitution of India"- this is not in J&K.

2023-08-24 09:31 GMT

SG Mehta: Till the princely states remained, even after Independence, they were called the 'Rajpramukhs'.

CJI: Until 1956 amendment when the Rajpramukhs were abolished.

2023-08-24 09:30 GMT

SG Mehta: Every state had put their own conditions.

2023-08-24 09:25 GMT

SG Mehta continues taking the bench through the history of accession and the formation of the Union of India

2023-08-24 09:23 GMT

Bench: The High fever also seems to be an act of diplomacy.

SG Mehta: It was a diplomatic illness and was necessary at the time.

2023-08-24 09:21 GMT

SG Mehta: Nehru was running a high fever. It was decided that Mountbatten should go alone. VP Menon writes this.

2023-08-24 09:21 GMT

SG Mehta: But Sardar Patel was strongly opposed to the proposition on the ground that Pakistan was the aggressor and India ought not to follow the policy of appeasing the aggressor.

2023-08-24 09:20 GMT

SG Mehta: The moment Jinnah heard that India accepted J&K' accession...Jinnah invited Nehru to Lahore to discuss the problem. See the diplomacy - Mountbatten was eager to accept the invitation and Nehru was inclined to agree with Mountbatten.


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