Arnab Goswami's Habeas Plea Against His Arrest In 2018 Abetment To Suicide Case -LIVE UPDATES From Bombay High Court

Update: 2020-11-07 06:32 GMT
Live Updates - Page 4
2020-11-07 12:01 GMT

Gupte : The investigation was handled by the previous investigation agency in a high-handed manner.

2020-11-07 12:01 GMT

Gupte referring to a judgment stating habeas petition is not maintainable against remand order.

2020-11-07 11:47 GMT

Gupte : It is the comparative harm I was talking about.

Justice Shinde(smiling) : We know your heart is clean.

2020-11-07 11:44 GMT

Gupta clarifies he was responding to Harish Salve's argument that what harm will be caused if he is released on bail.

There is harm caused to the victim.

2020-11-07 11:44 GMT

Justice Shinde : In 1980s Negotiable Instrument Act was brought in. Did anyone think of the number of cases it generated? Lots of cases due to it are pending in Magistrate courts.

2020-11-07 11:43 GMT

Justice Shinde : We understand the criticism. The legitimate expectation of litigants are always met. Let us go back to the law commission report which recommended 50 judges for a million. Has it happened? 

2020-11-07 11:42 GMT

Justice Shinde interrupts: Two benches of the Court are hearing such matters. Matters of bail parole etc are disposed of within a week. Today, we held special sitting on the basis of consensus(smiles while saying this).

2020-11-07 11:42 GMT

What is urgency that this gentleman must be given an audience by a division bench of this court for three day?

During the times of COVID19, several petitions are not being heard by the court.

2020-11-07 11:42 GMT

Balance of convenience must be in favour of the victim who has suffered than this gentleman(Arnab Goswami).

2020-11-07 11:39 GMT

Have we thought of what harm has been caused to this family? Gupte for Akshita Naik.


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