[Live-Updates From Supreme Court] Hearing on Section 24 Of New Land Acquisition Act- Court-3

Update: 2019-11-26 05:51 GMT
Live Updates - Page 2
2019-11-26 09:34 GMT

RTI reply in respect of Indore. Affidavit submitted.

One document: what injustice and what situation dealing with. Official letter dated 29.07.2008.

Indore development authority, amount deposited : scheme one, the amount is 2 crore. Collector has not deposited complete amount. Money not received so where is the question of vesting ?

J. Mishra - This is the position you want to say ?

2019-11-26 09:15 GMT

Eminent domain is a necessary evil of State for development.

Page 365: why new law, 1894 century old, drafted to provide smooth acquisition. Acquisition does not clarify whether acquisition is for company or some other purpose.

J. Mishra - S24 interpretation is direct.

SD - Pg. 372: new direction Is mentioned. 375: historical justice.

Elements of clause: moratorium should be imposed: by when land should be returned.

2019-11-26 09:15 GMT

SD - last part of compilation: extract legislating for justice book , page 356. Book by jJairam Ramesh and Mohd Ali Khan. 2015 year of publication.

J. Mishra - What do you want to emphasise ?

SD - Larger 2013 act and section 24. page 361, between 2004&2009: purpose of law should be to empower people.

2019-11-26 09:11 GMT

J. Bhat - how to instruct HC ?

SD - Almost 2 years hold up there in hc. We do not upset the line of authority set by court.

J. Mishra - argue on merit.

2019-11-26 09:10 GMT

SD - page 336 of compilation: 4 state enacted law: Gujarat, Maharashtra clause 349, Karnataka 354, telangana 340.

When settled line of interpretation is there, there is a request to uphold on upsetting certain set of interpretation.

2019-11-26 09:09 GMT

J. Mishra - Does the Ordinance restrict our interpretation ?

SD - No.

J. Mishra - Then guide us.

SD - Principle is much higher, realm of legislation and realm of interpretation is there.

J. Mishra - We should not interfere in Legislation. Not our job to find what they are doing, what not doing.

J. Bhat - committee submission cannot be relied upon.

J. Mishra - we cannot legislate.

2019-11-26 09:08 GMT

There was State amendment in states of Gujarat, Telangana, Maharashtra.

Ordinance 2015, Clause 6 (page 311 in compilation) - first: stayed on account of stay by any court this ordinance addressed.

Second: compensation deposited in court.

2019-11-26 09:08 GMT

Now 24(1)(a) is confined to compensation.

31 December, 2014 ordinance, permitting deposit of compensation, accepting injunction.

In Second Amendment 2015, Bill referred to joint committee of Parliament.

2019-11-26 09:00 GMT

A short format of compilation has been submitted by Sr. Adv. Shyam Divan.

S25(1)(a): compensation, rehabilitation and resettlement. Grace period of 5 years included. Then proviso comes. There is an Additional factor on non-payment of compensation apart from possession.Criteria of lapsing. Legislative history: in 3rd stage, there were 2 changes-

S24(1)(a) dropped rehabilitation and resettlement.

2019-11-26 08:59 GMT

Bench reassembled . Shyam Divan continues

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