No Bar Council/Association Elections To Be Held Till Rules Stipulating Mandatory Requirements For Contesting Candidates Are Finalized: BCI

Joint meeting to finalize the Rules is scheduled in January 2020

Update: 2019-11-22 14:18 GMT

The Bar Council of India has said that no elections of Bar Councils or Bar Associations shall be held till finalizing of the proposed Rules stipulating certain mandatory requirements for candidates desirous to be the representatives of Bar Associations/ Bar Councils. These Rules will be finalised in the Joint meetings of all the State Bar Councils, High Court Bar Associations and major...

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The Bar Council of India has said that no elections of Bar Councils or Bar Associations shall be held till finalizing of the proposed Rules stipulating certain mandatory requirements for candidates desirous to be the representatives of Bar Associations/ Bar Councils.

These Rules will be finalised in the Joint meetings of all the State Bar Councils, High Court Bar Associations and major bar associations scheduled in January 2020. The press release reads:

"Till these Rules are finalized by the joint meeting, there shall be no election of any Bar Association in the country. The errant, arrogant, non-practicing and persons with criminal background shall not be allowed to contest any election of any Bar Association or any Bar Council."

In its press release, the Bar Council of India said that it is mulling major reformative changes for "betterment of legal profession as well as legal education". They are proposing a rule making it mandatory for new entrants at the Bar to practice in a District/ Taluka court for two years to be able to practice before the High Court or the Supreme Court. On the same lines, a minimum of two year practice before a high court is proposed to be made mandatory to practice before the Supreme Court.

 Click here to Read/Download Press Release




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