CLEA‐MILAT Human Rights & Social Justice Summer School ‐ 2022 On "Freedom Of Expression" [27th May to 6th June, 2022]
![CLEA‐MILAT Human Rights & Social Justice Summer School ‐ 2022 On "Freedom Of Expression" [27th May to 6th June, 2022] CLEA‐MILAT Human Rights & Social Justice Summer School ‐ 2022 On "Freedom Of Expression" [27th May to 6th June, 2022]](
The National Human Right Commission (NHRC), New Delhi in association with Indian Law Institute (ILI), New Delhi and Lloyd Law College, Greater Noida, and with academic support from Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP), Bangladesh, is organising CLEA‐MILAT HUMAN RIGHTS & SOCIAL JUSTICE SUMMER SCHOOL- 2022. Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arun Mishra, Chairman, National...
The National Human Right Commission (NHRC), New Delhi in association with Indian Law Institute (ILI), New Delhi and Lloyd Law College, Greater Noida, and with academic support from Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP), Bangladesh, is organising CLEA‐MILAT HUMAN RIGHTS & SOCIAL JUSTICE SUMMER SCHOOL- 2022.
Hon'ble Mr. Justice Arun Mishra, Chairman, National Human Rights Commission, India/ Former Judge, Supreme Court of India has kindly consented to be the Chief Patron for the Summer School.
The Summer School will be fully residential programme of 11 days for Law Students from India and abroad to groom their knowledge and respect for Human Rights and Social Justice. As we know, despite the developments to strengthen human rights enforcement, there are increasing violations of the basic human rights across the globe, which mandates comprehensive discourse on the importance of human rights and social justice in the Constitutional Framework of Democratic Country.
Aims and objectives of the Summer School
· To have a shared goal of upholding human dignity and equality for all
· To inculcate the concept of social justice through pragmatic activities for Rule of Law and Democracy
· To deepen the understanding of the notion of freedom of expression as a fundamental human right
· To examine the enforcement and implementation issues, problems and impediments in the enforcement of human rights
Special Features of Summer Schools are as follows-
- Intensive residential training on social justice, human rights and advocacy skills
- International resource persons
- Training on legal advocacy through moot court, mock trial etc.
- Legislative training through drafting and student parliament
- Activities like publication, broadcasting and telecasting
- Introduction to rural litigation and concept of Rural Law Firms to encourage socially committed lawyering and community visit
- The course is structured with a special focus on "learning by doing"
- The course is designed to provide the participants a pragmatic approach to human
- rights
- There will be skill development programmes
- Outcome-oriented exercises are focused upon
- Group work, simulation activities and group discussions are an integral part of the
- programme to make it interactive and stimulating
The intended outcomes of the course are:
- To mould students into socially-committed and dedicated personnel to uphold Rule of Law and Democracy.
- To create a network of social activists and human rights personnel
- To evolve strategies of advocacy in human rights (good and bad human right practices are also examined with a view to strengthen the capacity of the participants to promote public policies and strategies, thereby becoming active change-agents or law reformers).
Resource Persons
The Human Rights & Social Justice Summer School is conducted by a group of experienced personalities which would include Hon'ble Judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts, Lawyers, Academicians, Professionals, Social Activists, Bureaucrats, Journalists and Researchers from India and abroad. The programme has been conceptualized by Prof. (Dr.) S. Sivakumar, ILI / Vice-President, CLEA & Chairman, MILAT, who is the Chair and Director of the Summer School.
The under-graduate students of law in a university or college or any other institution who are Completing/Completed 2 years of three year-LL.B. Course or Completing/Completed 3rd year or 4th year of five year-LL.B Course are eligible to apply.
However, the students who are Completing/Completed Final Year are not preferable. The selected National Participants have to pay the registration fees of 7500/-(Rupees Seven Thousand Five Hundred Only) and International Participants have to pay 100 USD which includes lodging and boarding along with the conference materials and hospitality in the Summer School. The participants (male and female in equal proportion) shall include: Participants
- 25 law students from India
- 25 law students from abroad including Asian Countries, Commonwealth, Europe and USA
How to Apply
Interested candidates can apply by submitting an Application Form in the prescribed format. The application should be accompanied by a write-up of not more than 350 words each on why she/he has chosen to be a part of the First Human Rights & Social Justice Summer School, what she/he is expecting to take away from this programme and how the learning would be applied in the society.
Important Dates | |
| 16th March, 2022
Submission of Application
| 11th April, 2022
Intimation of Selected Applicants
| 16th April, 2022
Payment of the Registration Fees
| 20th April, 2022
Final List of Participants
| 21st April, 2022
Invitation Letter
| 25th April, 2022
On-Desk Registration | 27th May, 2022 |
We, looking forward to an active participation of the students from your institution in the Summer School to make it more vibrant and inclusive.
*Exhaustive Details of the programme are provided in the brochure attached with this mail.
Important Links for the Application form and the Brochure are provided below:
Contact Information
Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Khan,
Deputy Director, Lloyd Law College,
General Convenor, CLEA-MILAT Human Rights & Social Justice Summer School 2022
Lloyd Law College, Plot No. 11, Knowledge Park-II, Greater Noida (Delhi/NCR)
Contact Number: +91 – 9149059872