5th FYLC – RANKA National Moot Court Competition – 2015

Nikita Hora

6 Aug 2015 10:52 AM

  • 5th FYLC – RANKA National Moot Court Competition – 2015

    UFYLC is organizing National Moot Court Competition jointly with Ranka Public Charitable Trust. The main aim is to give exposure to students pursuing the law course to the environment of the court system in India and to hone their advocacy skills and to provide a real life experience cum training in doing cutting edge research, presenting ground breaking arguments and contributing to the development of jurisprudence in concerned areas of law.


    26th September to 28th September 2015


    University Five Year Law College, University Campus, Jaipur


    • Each team shall comprise of three (3) members ONLY out of which two (2) will be speakers and one (1) researcher.

    • Arguments shall be in English only.

    • The competition is open for bonafide students pursuing five year and three years LL.B course.

    • Each Law College/ University shall be eligible to send one team. Team should not disclose the identity of their institution in course of proceedings in the court rooms; such disclosure shall invite penalties including disqualification.

    • Each team shall be provided with the team code by draw of lots followed by exchange of memorials.


    • The Registration form completed with all Team Details must be submitted online and also sent to the College on or before 01st September 2015.

    • A registration fee of Rs.5000/- is to be sent by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Director, FYLC, U.O.R., Jaipur payable at Jaipur along with the registration form.

    • No change in the names of the participants shall be permitted after the receipt of the Registration Form, except at the sole discretion of the Organizers.

    • Teams should clearly mention the participants’ name, contact no. including year/semester of study


    • All teams must submit Memorials / Written Submissions for both sides. (Appellant Respondent).

    • Participants are allowed to frame additional issues other than those provided in the moot proposition, if desired.
    • All teams must submit typed Memorials for both sides and the Memorials must fulfill all the following specifications;

    • Memorials must contain the following :

    (a) Cover page / Cause title.

    (b) Index.

    (c) Index of Authorities.

    (d) Statement of Jurisdiction.

    (e) Synopsis of Facts.

    (f) Summary of Arguments.

     (g) Arguments / Pleadings.

    (h) Conclusion / Prayer.

    (v)        The memorial shall not be of more than forty (40) pages and the Arguments shall not exceed more than  twenty five (25) pages.

    (vi)       The Memorial shall be typed on A4 size page in Font type : Times New Roman, Font size : 12, 1.5 line spacing & 1 inch margin on each side. Blue Book pattern shall be followed.

    (vii)        The Cover Page of the Memorial must follow the following colour scheme, Blue for the Applicant Cover Page and Red for the Respondent Cover Page.

    (viii)     The Memorial must be spiral bound ONLY. (ix) The Memorial must not contain any Annexure/Photographs/ Sketches/Exhibits/Affidavits etc.

    (x)         Memorials that do not comply with the abovementioned specifications will be penalized.

    (xi)     Two (2) hard copies for each side (appellant and respondent) must reach the organizers latest   by 15th September, 2015. No memorials shall be accepted after the prescribed date.

    (xii)      Six (6) hard copies from each side (appellant and respondent) shall be submitted by the teams on reaching at the venue of the Moot Court.

    (xiii)       Identification of any type shall attract severe penalty


    1. Winning Team Award: The winning team will receive a trophy and a cash prize of 10,000/-.

    1. Runners-Up Award: The 1 st runners up will get a trophy and a cash prize of 6,000/-.

    1. Best Student Advocate: o Best student advocate will get a trophy and cash prize of 3,000/-.

    1. Second Best Student Advocate get a trophy and cash prize of 2,000/-.

    1. Best Memorial award will get a trophy and cash prize of 3,000/-.

    1. Certificate for participation will be given to all the participants.


    1. No team or any of its members or anyone connected with any team will be permitted to sit or hear the arguments in any court room in which that team is not one of the contesting teams while that team is competing in the competition. For the violation of this rule strict action may be taken against the team, even ranging to the disqualification of the team from the competition.

    1. If there is any dispute in regard to the interpretations of the rules or with respect to any matter related to the competition which is not contemplated in the rules, the decision of the Organizers shall be binding and final.

    1. Dress Code

    Inside the court room the participant shall follow the below mentioned dress code.

    • Females: white salwarkurta&Dupatta or white shirt and black trousers along with black coat and tie.

    • Males: white shirt, black trousers, black tie along with black coat and black shoes.

    The dress code for all the functions at the competition shall be western formals for gentlemen and western or Indian formals for ladies.

    Click here for registration formMoot court Proposition and Rules and Regulation.

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