UP Govt.'s Appeal Against Removal Of Banners: Live-Updates From Supreme Court

Update: 2020-03-12 05:07 GMT
Live Updates - Page 4
2020-03-12 05:48 GMT

Lalit J. says that even though there musn’t be unruly and disorderly behaviour, there must be some law which backs the action of putting up the hoardings.

2020-03-12 05:47 GMT

Justice Aniruddha Bose asks "This power of putting up hoardings, where is this power of the state coming from?"

2020-03-12 05:45 GMT

Justice Lalit says-

“If a person does not have orderly behavior and somebody videographs it, this waives the right to privacy. But we are on a different aspect, whether the right is castigated for all times.”

2020-03-12 05:44 GMT

SG: The entire question revolves around Right To privacy.

“As a jurisprudential concept in light of the Puttaswamy Judgement, there is waiver of right of privacy once a person is in the public domain” adds SG

2020-03-12 05:42 GMT

SG Tushar Mehta narrated sequence of events.

Says that the erecting of banners was done after the adjudicating authority had heard 95 people and 57 persons were responsible in rioting.

“This 57 includes rioters from various communities.”

2020-03-12 05:41 GMT

SG Tushar Mehta commenced his arguments for UP Govt.

2020-03-12 05:40 GMT

Bench assembled to hear the matter

2020-03-12 05:17 GMT

The vacation Bench of Supreme Court comprising of Justices UU Lalit and Anirudha Bose assembled


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