Supreme Court To Organize Special Lok Adalat From July 29

Update: 2024-06-18 12:43 GMT
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The Supreme Court is organising a Special Lok Adalat from July 29 to August 03 to facilitate amicable settlements of suitable pending cases. Lok Adalats are an integral component of judicial system in this country, enhancing alternative dispute resolution as a means of expediting and fostering amicable settlements. The Special Lok Adalat is being organized in the 75th year of the establishment...

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The Supreme Court is organising a Special Lok Adalat from July 29 to August 03 to facilitate amicable settlements of suitable pending cases. Lok Adalats are an integral component of judicial system in this country, enhancing alternative dispute resolution as a means of expediting and fostering amicable settlements. The Special Lok Adalat is being organized in the 75th year of the establishment of the Supreme Court.

"Organising of the ensuing Lok Adalat is pursuant to the commitment to accessible and efficient justice delivery for all sections of the society. Cases having elements of settlement including cases relating to matrimonial and property disputes, motor accident claims, land acquisition, compensation, service and labour which are pending before the Supreme Court would be taken up to facilitate speedy disposal," the Court said.

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