Supreme Court To Organise Hackathon Event For Innovative Ideas To Make Filing & Listing More Efficient

Update: 2022-12-05 14:00 GMT

Under the aegis of the Chief Justice of India, Justice D.Y. Chandrachud, Supreme Court of India will have its first ever Hackathon Event. The aim of the exercise is to identify innovative ideas and explore practical propositions to make the existing filing and listing process efficient.Duty holders (officers, officials of Registry, law clerks deputed in residential officers of Supreme...

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Under the aegis of the Chief Justice of India, Justice D.Y. Chandrachud, Supreme Court of India will have its first ever Hackathon Event. The aim of the exercise is to identify innovative ideas and explore practical propositions to make the existing filing and listing process efficient.

Duty holders (officers, officials of Registry, law clerks deputed in residential officers of Supreme Court Judges), stakeholders and beneficiaries are being encouraged to participate in collaborative brainstorming to generate out-of-the-box/innovative ideas to overall enhance the filing and listing ecosystem.

The event is being organised under the supervision of Supreme Court Judge, Justice S.K. Kaul. The members of the Supreme Court Bar Association and the Supreme Court Advocates-on-Record Association are also invited to take part and provide their valuable insights.

Participants with the best eighteen suggestions would be granted an opportunity to deliver a presentation demonstrating their vision. However, the suggestion ought to be within the scope of the provisions of the Supreme Court Rules, 2013. The first rank holder and the runner up would be felicitated.

The Press Note issued on 5th December, 2022, that has disclosed the above-mentioned information states that the notification in this regard would be published soon. The requisite information with respect to application for the event would be provided therein. The Press Note further indicates that larger Hackathons are to be organised in the future by different Supreme Court Committees on various issues of importance primarily to augment the working of the justice delivery system.


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