Supreme Court Hearing On Suo Motu COVID Case: LIVE UPDATES

Update: 2021-05-31 05:49 GMT
Live Updates - Page 4
2021-05-31 07:00 GMT

Arora: 25% that is going to the private domain subject to the availability leaves a lot of potential...

Justice Bhat: We have seen in this pandemic itself that prices of remdesivir and whatnot were hitting the roof. We have all seen. What is our responsibility here ?

2021-05-31 06:58 GMT

Arora: It becomes essential that the Centre places its policy before the Court.

Justice Bhat: 900 price is not fixed. They may choose to charge more. The Centre has not fixed this. They have only issued an advisory. If there’s a shortage, it could become 2000.

2021-05-31 06:56 GMT

Arora: I will correlate this aspect that the Concurrent list at Entry 29 which says prevention of extension from one State to another of contagious policies. And the Centre has clearly done it’s policy. Once it has done so, the entire onus is at the doorstep of the Centre.

2021-05-31 06:55 GMT

Arora: Those who have registered on COWIN. They haven’t gotten calls from the government, but they are getting calls from private hospitals that get vaccinated for 900-1000. A family of four will have to pay 4000 which is a huge amount for them.

2021-05-31 06:54 GMT

Sr. Adv. Meenakshi Arora: The issue is that 50% will be for Centre, 25% for State and 25% for private. 18 to 44 is a huge segment of population. Whatever will be the pricing, there will only be 25% of the remaining 50%.

2021-05-31 06:53 GMT

Gupta: Second, the issue is that it’s for the manufacturer to declare prices. The Centre says that they will ensure that they will dictate the price. But, on paper, they are allowed to do whatever they want.

2021-05-31 06:53 GMT

Gupta: One is differential pricing. This should not be done because it’s not a question of inequality between States. They are saying that it doesn’t matter to citizen because they are getting it for free. That’s incorrect. It does matter because money comes from public exchequer

2021-05-31 06:50 GMT

Gupta: Those who came and said that they will finish it by December, some of the vaccines are in a stage of development. How can the Govt say that it has been approved ?

SG: There is no such vaccine that has been relied upon for making that statement. Please wait for Affidavit.

2021-05-31 06:49 GMT

Gupta: The total vaccine capacity is approximately 15 crores per month. Then this 6 month period is not possible. Please point out how this capacity has increased so that we can vaccinate the required persons. This capacity has not been written in the Affidavit.

2021-05-31 06:49 GMT

Gupta: I am not going into Constitutional issues at all. That will be later.

#SupremeCourtofIndia #COVID19


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