Supreme Court Hearing On Migrant Issue: Live-Updates

Update: 2020-05-28 07:56 GMT
Live Updates - Page 3
2020-05-28 09:47 GMT

Senior Advocate Sanjay Parikh now submitted Activist n Medha Patkar's petition seeking uniform ticketing system for #MigrantWorkers and other necessities to safeguard them. "We have given suggestions"

2020-05-28 09:42 GMT

Gonsalves: Given the current figures, it will take 6-8 months for all migrants to get back home.

SG: Please don’t allow him to instigate My Lords.

Gonsalves - "We want food and water free and immediately. Cannot have online registration. The registrar should be in person"

2020-05-28 09:41 GMT

SG to Gonsalves:

You are reading but reading for whom? Give me a copy. I’ll read it myself.

Bench: You don’t listen to us and are just going on reading ? Just tell us 1 or 2 suggestions that we can facilitate.

2020-05-28 09:39 GMT

Senior Advocate Colin Gonsalves: I'm representing a migrant labour organization. My suggestions are on page 6 of my application.

Bench - "Don’t read it. We’ll look into it"

Gonsalves - "no let me read it"

Bench - "no we will read it ourselves"

Gonsalves reads.

2020-05-28 09:36 GMT

Jaising: "They're asking for pre booking registration. Information about where and how are trains going to depart. They published schedule for #VandeBharathMission but not for these [#ShramikSpecialTrains] trains.

2020-05-28 09:35 GMT

Jaising: Question is, how many days will it take to ensure that every migrant reaches home?

Bench: "We are not saying everyone wants to go. We are asking how many are waiting."

2020-05-28 09:34 GMT

SG: You are instigating others to shift who don't want to shift?

Jaising: We are giving you statistics based on the press release issued by the Indian railways. We got numbers of migrants from the report filed by the CentrE in the alakh alok Shrivastava case.

2020-05-28 09:33 GMT

"There are surplus trains that can be used for #migrants. Only 3% trains being used as of now.

There are 4 crore migrants waiting to get back home. SG says we cannot divert trains used for essential commodities. There are a total of about 4 crore migrants waiting" Jaising

2020-05-28 09:30 GMT


"All states must file their reports"

Senior Advocate Indira Jaising -

"Everybody has been heard except the migrant workers"

2020-05-28 09:29 GMT

Bench asks Counsel for Maharashtra:

"We are asking you how many people are waiting to go home. Are you providing them food or not? Most affected state is Maharashtra?"


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