Supreme Court Hearing On Migrant Issue: Live-Updates

Update: 2020-05-28 07:56 GMT
Live Updates - Page 4
2020-05-28 09:27 GMT

Bench: Now state of Maharashtra counsel has come. We want to hear them.

Adv R. Chitnis for Maharashtra. Starts apprising the Court about expenses made.

Bench: We are not interested in the expense. We want to know how many people are waiting to go home?

2020-05-28 09:26 GMT

Bench: Don't play blame game

Sibal: I'm pointing out statutory provisions. Not blame game. SG should tell us where is the notification under section 12 with minimum standards (Under DMA).

2020-05-28 09:24 GMT

Sibal: In the current situation, it will take 3 months for people to go.

SG - They don’t wish to go. You don’t understand that ?

Sibal: How can you say that?

SG - I said they were leaving on foot because of local instigation!

2020-05-28 09:23 GMT

- There are people who don’t speak Hindi, there are migrants from other states who are not able to communicate. What food is being provided to them? Pulses is not the answer. Where will they cook all this?:Sibal

2020-05-28 09:22 GMT

- No plan pointed out in the centre’s affidavit. Not on the state level or district level.

- If it’s going to take 3 months to transport rest of the people, what are the arrangements?

- Trains running on 3% capacity.: Sibal

2020-05-28 09:21 GMT

"This is the reason [non-implementation of minimum standards and lack of coordination] why people are walking. It has nothing to do with politics. People are walking away from shelters because the shelter homes are not upto standard.":Sibal

2020-05-28 09:21 GMT

"Till date no min. standards have been set up for any of the above categories. The problem has risen due to this.

There has to be coordination between national, state and district plans. Responsibility has been shifted to state governments without minimums standard"

2020-05-28 09:18 GMT

Sibal begins arguing:

Under the DMA, whenever there is a disaster, a national plan should be prepared by the NEC which is then approved by the DM authority presided over by the Prime minister. Minimum standards include shelter, food, drinking water, medical cover and sanitation..

2020-05-28 09:17 GMT

Bench to Sibal:

We cannot have organisations argue at this point. Otherwise everyone will want to come here and argue. At a relevant stage we will seek your assistance.

Sibal: I'm not here for a political purpose. Will only take 15 minutes.

2020-05-28 09:16 GMT

Sibal - I as a counsel want to assist the court

SG - then let the reports come

Sibal - I am seeking indulgence of the Court. You can’t object to that.

Sibal - I am appearing for 2 organisations.


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