Plea Seeking Cancellation Of CLASS XII Board Examination: Supreme Court Hearing- Live Updates

Update: 2021-06-24 05:29 GMT
Live Updates - Page 4
2021-06-24 06:01 GMT

Bench to Kerala: Whatever we’ve said now applies to you also.

 Adv G Prakash for Kerala appears.

Bench: Alert has been issued with respect your State. You know that

2021-06-24 06:00 GMT

Nazki: If we can have it later and not tomorrow.

Bench: All this must’ve been examined by authorities before taking decision. Show us that. We will see the snapshot. Each day is important. We’ll have it tomorrow

2021-06-24 05:59 GMT

Bench: The Commitment that you are making we are not convinced with that. 15 students in one room, you will need 35000 rooms! 

2021-06-24 05:57 GMT

Bench to Andhra Pradesh: Unless we are convinced you are geared up to take exams without any fatality we won’t permit you to go ahead and conduct exams

2021-06-24 05:56 GMT

Nazki: The issue is we don’t have details of internal exams.

Bench: You can find a solution to that. Experts can work out a formula. You can Take advice of UGC, inputs from CBSE and ICSE. Their experts can advise formula and you could adopt that

2021-06-24 05:56 GMT

Bench: Its not only about conducting exam. There will be collection of sheets, evaluation, etc.

Bench: Yet another aspect. What’s the contingency plan? What if mid exams you realise the situation has changed. You have to look at it from 360 degree angle. Its not that you’ve to prove you can take exam

Bench: Recent international experience was, two days convention was held, and situation had changed. There it was only 200 persons gathering together. Here you’ll have thousands.

2021-06-24 05:52 GMT

Bench to Andhra Pradesh: We’re making that clear! Keep that in kind. And even one fatality you will be made responsible

2021-06-24 05:52 GMT

Bench to AP’s Counsel: We’ll ask UGC to have cut off date for have declaration of results. Just cos your Board hasn’t conducted exams early can’t be ground to start admissions in your state.

2021-06-24 05:51 GMT

Bench: There shouldn’t be inconvenience to students, teachers etc and that plan is already in place is what you have to convince us.

2021-06-24 05:50 GMT

Bench: what was the background and components of the decision, is what we wanted to see. Its not a question of exam alone, its question of health and safety of everybody! One has to see the ground reality


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