Same Sex Marriage- Supreme Court Hearing- LIVE UPDATES

Update: 2023-04-25 04:41 GMT
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Live Updates - Page 6
2023-04-25 08:42 GMT

Senior Advocate Menaka Guruswamy has commenced her arguments.

2023-04-25 08:41 GMT

Hearing resumes.

2023-04-25 07:38 GMT

The bench has risen for lunch.

2023-04-25 07:37 GMT

Kothari: I want to end with a reference from Navtej. Our arguments are for marriage rights for all. This was reiterated in Navtej by my lords.

2023-04-25 07:37 GMT

Sr Adv Jayna Kothari provides with a proposed gender neutral reading of the Special Marriage Act.

2023-04-25 07:36 GMT

Kothari: The special marriage act, and the manner in which it is construed presently, by focusing only on men and women denies transgender persons the right to marry and have a family solely on basis of their gender identity. That amounts to a 15(1) discrimination on basis of sex

2023-04-25 07:35 GMT

Kothari refers to international cases and treaties.

2023-04-25 07:35 GMT

Kothari: Is a family different just because your gender identity is different? Are these not the same values that all of us want at the end of the day? Therefore, I argue that this should fall under Article 21.

2023-04-25 07:34 GMT

Kothari: The Delhi HC in a 2021 judgement - in a case of heterosexual couple who didn't want children held- that this would come under Article 21.

2023-04-25 07:33 GMT

Kothari: Transpersons are already having families - they're in relationships, adopting children but these families are not being recognised.


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