[Prashant Bhushan Contempt Case On Two Tweets] AG KK Venugopal Urges Court Not To Punish Bhushan [LIVE UPDATES]

Update: 2020-08-20 05:41 GMT
Live Updates - Page 7
2020-08-20 06:23 GMT

"I ride a Royal Enfield. But when I go out I always wear a mask" : Dhavan.

Dhavan says the nature of the person also should be taken into consideration.

He says the Kurle case was a "nasty case".

2020-08-20 06:22 GMT

Dhavan submits that these issues have been commented about a lot in public.

2020-08-20 06:22 GMT

Dhavan now making submissions.

"There has been a considerable disquiet about four Chief Justices over six years", he submits.

2020-08-20 06:20 GMT

My tweets were nothing but a small attempt to discharge what I considered to be my highest duty at this juncture in the history of our republic. I did not tweet in a fit of absence mindedness. It would be insincere and contemptuous on my part to offer an apology for the tweets that expressed what was and continues to be my bonafide belief. Therefore, I can only humbly paraphrase what the father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi had said in his trial: I do not ask for mercy. I do not appeal to magnanimity. I am here, therefore, to cheerfully submit to any penalty that can lawfully be inflicted upon me for what the Court has determined to be an offence, and what appears to me to be the highest duty of a citizen.

2020-08-20 06:16 GMT

I find it hard to believe that the Court finds my tweet “has the effect of destabilizing the very foundation of this important pillar of Indian democracy”. I can only reiterate that these two tweets represented my bonafide beliefs, the expression of which must be permissible in any democracy. Indeed, public scrutiny is desirable for healthy functioning of judiciary itself. I believe that open criticism of any institution is necessary in a democracy, to safeguard the constitutional order. We are living through that moment in our history when higher principles must trump routine obligations, when saving the constitutional order must come before personal and professional niceties, when considerations of the present must not come in the way of discharging our responsibility towards the future. Failing to speak up would have been a dereliction of duty, especially for an officer of the court like myself.

2020-08-20 06:15 GMT

I have gone through the judgment of this Hon’ble Court. I am pained that I have been held guilty of committing contempt of the Court whose majesty I have tried to uphold -- not as a courtier or cheerleader but as a humble guard – for over three decades, at some personal and professional cost. I am pained, not because I may be punished, but because I have been grossly misunderstood.

2020-08-20 06:13 GMT

My tweets were out of a bona fide attempt to discharge my duty as a citizen. I would have been failing in my duty if I did not speak up at this juncture of history. I submit to any penalty which the court may inflict. It would be contemptuous on my part to offer apology : Bhushan

2020-08-20 06:11 GMT

"I do not ask for mercy. I do not appeal for magnanimity. I cheerfully submit to any punishment that court may impose", Bhushan says quoting Gandhi.

2020-08-20 06:10 GMT

I believe that open criticism is necessary in any democracy to safeguard the constitutional order. Saving the constitutional order should come about personal or professional interests. My tweets were a small attempt to discharge what I consider my highest duty : Bhushan

2020-08-20 06:08 GMT

I am pained at the verdict that the Court held me guilty. I am pained that I am grossly misunderstood. I am shocked that the court concluded at the conclusion without providing any evidence about my motives : Bhushan submits.


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