Plea To Postpone NEET-UG 2022 : Live Updates From Delhi High Court

Update: 2022-07-14 05:46 GMT
Live Updates - Page 3
2022-07-14 09:33 GMT

Counsel: They made a grievance regarding the schedule. 12th exams were in June. NEET is in July. Grievance is that they have to be given sufficient time because this is a central exam and if they miss it, their whole year goes to waste.

2022-07-14 09:32 GMT

Counsel: Students want that they should have some grievance redressal mechanism.

Counsel: On 12th May they made a DPL representation

Court: Who did?

Counsel: NEET representatives, collectively

Court: Who is that?

Counsel: Some students

Court : No names mentioned? Alright, what grievance did they make?

2022-07-14 09:32 GMT

Counsel: There are newspaper articles

J Narula: I will not go by newspaper articles. Move to the next point.

2022-07-14 09:29 GMT

Counsel: They have genuine a grievance. At least it should be heard. 17 students have committed suicide.

Court: These are vague statements. How can you say that the students have committed suicide because of the exam?

2022-07-14 09:27 GMT

J Narula: There is no representation of the court because no direction has been passed by the court.

J Narula: Don't misread the orders like that.

2022-07-14 09:27 GMT

Counsel: The respondents are least concerned of the representation made by either the students or the court.

2022-07-14 09:26 GMT

Counsel says in Mohd. Anas & Ors. V. National Testing Agency & Ors., the Court had directed the respondents to treat the writ petition as representation and make arrangements of multiple sitting of #NEETUG exam in subsequent years.

2022-07-14 09:26 GMT

Counsel: Last year some students had asked for the exam to be conducted in phase II.

Court: You cannot cite this order as it has no precedent value because no directions were passed.

2022-07-14 09:22 GMT

Court: Then that is good for you. Having common subjects will be good for preparation, everything will be fresh in your mind.

2022-07-14 09:22 GMT

Court: Are there any common subjects?

Counsel: Yes!

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