Pegasus Snooping Row: Supreme Court Hearing On Pleas For Independent Probe-LIVE UPDATES

Update: 2021-08-05 05:07 GMT
Live Updates - Page 3
2021-08-05 06:14 GMT

Divan : These are not some media reports. Two governments, US and France, have alerted the Israel govt and its response was sought. These are not just some media reports.

2021-08-05 06:13 GMT

Shyam Divan for Jagdeep Chokkar says his client's phone was under surveillance.

2021-08-05 06:12 GMT

CJI : If you know that your phone is hacked, why are you not filing an FIR? If you want to answer, answer that. There is no need for further elaboration.

2021-08-05 06:11 GMT

Arora : If you have said in 2019 that you have not done, and now it is known that it has been done, there is a need to investigate. 

2021-08-05 06:10 GMT

Senior Advocate Meenakshi Arora appearing for John Brittas  referring to the statement made by the former IT Minister RS Prasad in 2019 that "to the best of his knowledge, there was no unauthorized interception".

2021-08-05 06:09 GMT

CU Singh : IT Act and the rules which states only centre and states can do this interception with strict checks and safeguards

CJI: You can file a case?

Singh: There is no effective remedy.

2021-08-05 06:09 GMT

Meenakshi Arora: The  issue raised in Parliament in 2019 whether there was any interception to which the answer was given in negative

2021-08-05 06:08 GMT

CU Singh now says that the names of the persons targeted were not known in 2019. The names were known after a forensic analysis was done by an international agency.

2021-08-05 06:07 GMT

CJI : CJI: Truth has to come out, that’s a different story. We don’t know who’s names are there.

2021-08-05 06:06 GMT

Sibal : Lawyers, Academicians, Activists have become terrorists if their names are included in list.

All we want is a notice at this stage.


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