[MJ Akbar Vs Priya Ramani Defamation Case] Final Arguments By Sr.Ad Rebecca John [LIVE-UPDATES]

Update: 2020-09-08 06:53 GMT
Live Updates - Page 6
2020-09-08 09:26 GMT

John further quotes a Delhi HC judgment to support her argument on res gestae evidence and how Nilofar's evidence is relevant and admissible 

2020-09-08 09:26 GMT

John: Nilofar is a witness of impeccable character, who's a professional, who doesn't lie - her evidence is relevant as it corroborates the statement of Ramani

2020-09-08 09:26 GMT

John: Even if we don't consider the WhatsApp texts, Nilofar's evidence is relevant as res gestae evidence 

2020-09-08 09:16 GMT

John: The fact that Nilofar dropped Ramani at the Oberoi hotel and also had a chat with her after the interview proves that she's a res gestae witness and her evidence is relevant 

2020-09-08 09:16 GMT

John: the principle of res gestae is an exception to the rule of inadmissibility of hearsay evidence 

2020-09-08 09:12 GMT

John: The purpose of having sec 6 of Evidence Act is to link the chain of events leading to the evidence of a sole witness

2020-09-08 09:10 GMT

John states judgments to support her argument that Nilofar's evidence is admissible under sec 6 of the Evidence Act

2020-09-08 09:10 GMT

John argues that Nilofar's evidence is admissible under sec 6 of Evidence Act as it is so closely connected with the facts stated by Ramani, which makes her evidence relevant

2020-09-08 09:09 GMT

John points out that Nilofar and Ramani had come back to India in Nov 1993 through the same flight. Nilofar had also helped Ramani prepare for her interview with Akbar

2020-09-08 09:09 GMT

John argues that Nilofar's evidence is admissible under sec 6 of Evidence Act as it is so closely connected with the facts stated by Ramani, which makes her evidence relevant


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