[LIVE UPDATES] Supreme Court Hearing On Plight Of Migrant Workers (Suo Motu)

Update: 2020-06-05 05:09 GMT
Live Updates - Page 2
2020-06-05 10:02 GMT

Justice Bhushan - Shes a respectable member of Parliament, if we allow this, it will become a chaotic situation. We have assistance of union, states, counsel. If you want to say something, say something

2020-06-05 10:02 GMT

Jaideep Gupta now making submissions

I am appearing for an MP Mahua Moitra

Earlier, her petition was dismissed on the pretext that this problem was not even there.

Asking for a recall of that order and allow her to make submissions.

2020-06-05 10:02 GMT

Manu Singhvi seeks 3 mins for 3 suggestions-

1) Vital to collate and publish data under:

-Total no of migrants stranded real time

Out of them, those who want to return, and those who have already left.

2) Object of PDS is to feed the foodless. In base month Jan and compare it to Apr-May. It should not be the same..must be much much more in Apr/May.

Such comparison on distribution needs to be out, so migrant can get info on distribution and he can collect, when he reaches destination.

3) Those lucky to reach destination have 2 problems. A) they're prevented entry

(SG interjects..it used to happen initially, not any more)

AMS- they don't have facilities when they reach. They way facilities are structured in states, COVID is increasing. No social distancing and no hygiene in those facilities. On Mr Mehta can get this done.

2020-06-05 09:57 GMT

Jaideep Gupta now making submissions

I am appearing for an MP Mahua Moitra

Earlier, her petition was dismissed on the pretext that this problem was not even there.

Asking for a recall of that order and allow her to make submissions.

2020-06-05 09:53 GMT

Singhvi continues

Says facilities are a must for quarantine which follow requisite social distancing norms and adequate hygiene.

2020-06-05 09:53 GMT

1) Data Collection for streamlining Paramount

2) Ultimate objective to help distressed - awareness viz PDS (for food)

3) Entry is being prevented by states.....

SG interjects here, says not happening anymore.

2020-06-05 09:51 GMT

Senior Advocate Dr. AM Singhvi raises hand to submit.

Justice Bhushan - We’ll hear you as an officer of court.

Singhvi - I want to make 3 suggestion. 3 suggestions in 3 minutes.

2020-06-05 09:48 GMT

Gonsalves adds that food distribution and free grains are essential.

“The Hindu has reported that various states have lagged behind in dealing with the Food Scarcity faced by #migrants.”

2020-06-05 09:48 GMT

Now Senior Advocate Colin Gonsalves makes submissions. He forth suggestions to streamline the transportation and safeguarding of 

2020-06-05 09:47 GMT

SG informs that NHRC issued notice to railways .. railways have replied, they should wait.

Patil- I'm not on this

Patil seeks to interve. Says NHRC has come up with 10 short term and 10 long terms measures, which may be considered


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