[LIVE UPDATES] Hearing Of Kashmir Petitions [Court-2]

Update: 2019-11-21 05:12 GMT
Live Updates - Page 7
2019-11-21 06:31 GMT

Hegde quotes Lord Atkin's famous dissent . "Even in times of war and peace, laws are not silent"


2019-11-21 06:29 GMT

Hegde asks court to consider his affidavit, which was submitted in a sealed cover, that he gave after returning from Kashmir after he had been allowed by the court


2019-11-21 06:27 GMT

Sr Adv Sanjay Hegde starts submissions for law studen Aleem Syed .

Hegde briefs the court about Syed being a law student, parents in Kashmir, never faced trouble during troubled times

2019-11-21 06:27 GMT

Sr Adv Sanjay Hegde starts submissions for law studen Aleem Syed .

Hegde briefs the court about Syed being a law student, parents in Kashmir, never faced trouble during troubled times

2019-11-21 06:23 GMT

Arora concludes saying assembly of people can be peaceful.

2019-11-21 06:22 GMT

As Arora submits that the people there were not given details of restrictions, SG intervenes and says people knew about them

2019-11-21 06:17 GMT

Arora- restrictions can be limited to certain areas and certain people to deal with the threat


2019-11-21 06:16 GMT

Arora- The situation in Hong Kong is much worse. Yet Protests were peaceful and test of proportionality applied. Just drawing an analogy.

J Gavai- Does cross border terrorism exist in Hong Kong?

2019-11-21 06:12 GMT

Arora refers to recent Hong Kong judgment which overturned face mask ban.

Justice Gavai asks why rely on Hong Kong decisions when Indian decisions are there.

Justice Ramana mentions that Indian Courts have richer history of upholding rights.

2019-11-21 06:09 GMT

Arora cites J Subbarao's judgment in the Kharak Singh case to buttress her argument that physical restrictions are a problem, but psychological restrictions also affect civil liberties

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