Hijab Ban- Supreme Court Hearing- DAY-7 Live Updates

Update: 2022-09-19 07:28 GMT
Live Updates - Page 2
2022-09-19 10:17 GMT

Dave refers to passage in Shiru Mutt case which says propagation of religion can taken place in a "parlour meeting" also.

"So it can take place in a school also"- Dave.

2022-09-19 10:16 GMT

Dave : I may not follow my own Mulla, or Pandit or Guru. It does not matter.

2022-09-19 10:15 GMT

Dave : Religious right is individualistic, it is the choice of an individual.

2022-09-19 10:14 GMT

Dave refers to Shirur Matt case.

2022-09-19 10:03 GMT

Justice Dhulia says there is a US decision which holds that a golf course is a public place.

2022-09-19 10:03 GMT

Justice Gupta : It was a tradition, whenever one goes to respectful places, head is covered.

Dave : And classroom is a respectful place. Look at our Prime Minister. How beautifully he wears turbans on important days...it is a way to respect the people.

2022-09-19 09:59 GMT

Dave : The Bar Council of India prescribes a dress code. If tomorrow, I come to a Court wearing a cap, will your lordships stop? It was the tradition of lawyers to wear caps or turbans in court rooms.

2022-09-19 09:59 GMT

Dave : Where does that come from? There is no such restriction..

Justice Dhulia : Argue on that.

Dave : The fundamental rights I have I can exercise anywhere, whether in my bedroom, or classroom.

2022-09-19 09:58 GMT

Justice Dhulia : The problem the High Court sets for itself is whether it is essential religious practice, it holds it is only directory, it discusses fundamental rights and says when it comes to class room, there is no fundamental right.

2022-09-19 09:57 GMT

Dave : The High Court judges have not really understood what Constitutional morality is, what Constitutionalism is and what Constitutional philosophy is.


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