Hijab Ban- Karnataka High Court Full Bench Hearing- LIVE UPDATES

Update: 2022-02-14 08:34 GMT
Live Updates - Page 9
2022-02-14 09:33 GMT

Kamat agrees that Article 13 includes delegated legislation. "It includes delegated legislation which flows from primary legislation. I bow down to it", Kamat responds to Justice Dixit's observation.

2022-02-14 09:32 GMT

Justice Krishna Dixit observes the word "law" - as used in Article 25- can be understood from Article 13(3) which mentions byelaws, notifications etc. The observation is in context of Kamat's submission that banning of hijab cannot be delegated to CDCs.

2022-02-14 09:29 GMT

CJ : Before we switch over to the rulings, let us understand Article 25.

Kamat reads Article 25.

2022-02-14 09:28 GMT

Kamat : The GO is not that innocuous. They say prohibiting head scarf is not a violation of Article 25 and delegated the matter to CDCs.

CJ : They are saying on the basis of three rulings.

Kamat : I am saying that is based on an erroneous understanding.

2022-02-14 09:27 GMT

Kamat : The State has a positive duty to ensure that people are able to exercise fundamental rights. They cannot be restricted saying another set objects.

CJ : Whether by this GO State has put any prohibition on wearing head scarf?

Kamat : Yes.

2022-02-14 09:25 GMT

Chief Justice : We are only trying to understand whether by putting this GO has in any manner restricted Article 25.

2022-02-14 09:25 GMT

Kamat : There is a concept "hecklers veto". If I walk at night and someone heckles me, can my right be restricted saying public order. This question has arisen in context of free speech.

CJ : Come to the point of this case.

2022-02-14 09:24 GMT

Chief Justice : Article 25 starts with the words "Subject To". What does it mean?

Kamat : Public order is not a mere law and order disturbance. When there is a heightened sense of law and order, it will be public order.

CJ: What is public order? Shed some light.

2022-02-14 09:22 GMT

Chief Justice : The question is whether this right conferred under Article 25 is an absolute right or relative subjective to certain restrictions?

Kamat: Article 25 rights are not subjected to reasonable restrictions as under Article 19.

2022-02-14 09:21 GMT

Kamat reads Article 25: As far as this case is concerned, we are not concerned with grounds of "morality" or "health". Only restriction which aids the state is "public order".


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