Hearing On Pleas Seeking Restoration of 4G Internet In Jammu and Kashmir [Live-Updates From Supreme Court]

Update: 2020-05-04 06:37 GMT
Live Updates - Page 3
2020-05-04 07:16 GMT

"Pleas have to be examined against larger public interest of national security. If they say they cannot access hospital/medical information. I'm proceeding with the assumption that claim to FR violation is Justified. However, national security is paramount": AG

2020-05-04 07:09 GMT

AG KK Venugopal for Centre continues,

"There are good reasons why only fixed line internet was permitted [In #JammuAndKashmir]. With that, we can keep check on who is giving information and disseminating Terrorist propaganda."

2020-05-04 07:06 GMT

"These men could easily take videos of the troop movements because they were trusted. The enemy could know the troop movements if they had 4G. There is no denial of the fact that security of the state is involved." - Attorney General KK Venugopal

2020-05-04 07:01 GMT

"It's about protection of lives of the entirety of the population of J&K. Not just the patients. Terrorists are being pushed into the country. Yesterday there were some tragic events." - AG KK Venugopal

2020-05-04 06:58 GMT

Attorney General KK Venugopal begins, reads para 83 of the Anuradha Bhasin judgment.

"Ample merit in govt contention that internet may be used. Orders that have been passed specifically state that restrictions in internet speed are required for national security"

2020-05-04 06:57 GMT

"Orders have repeatedly said anti-national inflammatory information is being disseminated through social media. Why can't there be restriction on social media? Why restrict internet access? Access to education, work, even for legal research for lawyers is being affected" Quereshi

2020-05-04 06:55 GMT

Advocate Soayib Qureshi now begins arguments:

"Since the Anuradha Bhasin judgment in January there have been two kinds of orders. One is of restrictions on speed, the other is internet shutdown"

2020-05-04 06:53 GMT

"The affidavit says 1 hour of classes via television is being given. How can we complete the full syllabus with one hour classes per day? VC also allows for interactive teaching. Issue is not if it's possible to download via 2G but of the time it takes to download" - Khurshid

2020-05-04 06:51 GMT

"None of the weekly review orders or information is available in public. 27 April order specifically mentions security issues. We stand by the government regarding security but data should be made available to see whether there is any impact of 4G" Khurshid

2020-05-04 06:51 GMT

Senior Advocate Salman Khurshid now arguing for Private Schools Association J&K:

"Private schools are under government directions to provide education via Video-conferencing. We have obligation under Right to education to provide education."

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